
I've found that the CA glues I use last longest if I leave them 'open' on the bench. Bondini II, Zap, Zap-A-Gap, all last 'till the last drop if you don't cap them. I place each newly opened bottle on a small piece of paneling with a bit of floral clay. this widens the base enough so it's difficult to knock over (not impossible if you are as big a klutz as I am..). I've had bottles last well over a year in this manner.

Of course, the Locktite Brush On won't work that way. If you leave the brush out of it, the brush gets hard...In any event, I've just decided that 3/4 of each bottle of this stuff is all I'm going to get out of it. When it gets low, I just pitch it and open a new bottle. I do cut down the brush a bit, tapering it to a point with razor blade.

Good stufff, and since my favorite, The Bondini II, is becoming hard to find, it's a good substitute.

Good Luck!
