As a chiropractor, who has had back surgery in the past three months for a herniated disk, I would, if you haven't already, go see a chiropractor. The first step is to find out WHY you have back pain. I had what is called a retrolisthesis (My 5th lumbar vertebra had slipped backwards on my sacrum about 1/4"). Over time (because I couldn't get the chiropractic treatment I needed where I was in MI) it caused a herniation, and led to surgery. Your problem may be something very simple and easy to fix, or it may be more complicated. If you do go to a chiropractor, be sure they actually take x-rays of at least your low back, otherwise, in my opinion, they are shooting in the dark. The only way to really tell whats wrong is to see the blueprints of your body with an x-ray. Treatment will start from there.
Without getting too long winded, and causing everyone who reads this to roll their eyes, send me an IM, or you can e-mail me with your phone #, I'd be happy to try and answer any questions you have about chiropractic and your back pain.
I'd be a little leary of just taking pain pills, especially NSAIDS (non-sterroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), they WILL cause some rather nasty little side effects if you start using them too much. I'm not saying don't take them, just don't take them alot, sort of a last measure thing.
As far as back braces go...I've used them in the past, and they definately serve a very good purpose, but if you use them too much they can actually weaken the muscles in your back leaving you even more prone to injury. An easy way to avoid all that is to just get it fixed.
