I have a slipped disk (3rd Lumbar), which cause sciatica down my lower torso. I also have Ankylosing Spondylitis (form of arthritis of the spine). I have had this condition for the last 30 years (now 58 years old). My condition cannot be improved by an operation, because of the arthritis. So I might suggest a couple of things to make life less painful.

1. Learn to power lift, so you do not put strain on your back. That mean you keep you back straight and vertical when lifting, using your leg muscles (knelling on one knee if needed, no squatting). No lifting any object higher than your shoulders (causes excess strain on the upper spine).

2. Avoid sitting for long periods, if sitting is required for work, get up every half hour and walk around the chair, and sit back down. While walking around the chair, place hands on the back of the chair (leaning against the chair lightly), and slowly and gently rotate the hips a couple times in each direction. You can also do this rotation, when taking a shower, with the water cascading on your back, really helps for loosing up after you have become stiff while sleeping.


Avoid standing in one spot for too long of a period, that places too much pressure on the back, which can cause pain.

3. If you need to HOT/COLD treatment, 20 minutes cold pack, followed by 20 minutes hot pack, will reduce swelling and relax muscles and nerve endings that are sending pain messages.

4 Aleve is great for helping reducing pain, for 12 hour, one or two tablets. Only take as needed.

5. Best exercise treatment for a bad back is to walk daily, as many times as you can. Try to keep the back as straight as possible. Stairs are a great way to get some exercise in. Wherever I am I do not use the elevator, if I am going up one floor, or down two floors.

6. Watch how you sit in a chair, if you need a support for the small of your back, a rolled up towel will work. Good posture is important for back pain problems.

My Doctor, my Chiropractor, and my physical therapist; all agree that vertical and horizontal, is better than sitting for long periods. Also if you are overweight, lose it as soon as you can. Carrying 50 pounds of excess weight around is not good for anyones spine. It helps if you can find a MD that is willing to work with a chiropractor and a Physical Therapist, otherwise look for a doctor that specializes in sports medicine, the doctor is most likely a MD, Chiropractor, an Physical Therapist.

I wish you well in your recovery, and continued enjoyment of the activities that, are meaningful for enjoyment of life.