No bagging or ziplocks required for the Pentax camera I use for taking fish pictures...I'm using a camera that's water proof. I keep it on a retractable leash in case I drop it but I don't worry about water contact.

It's also a lot of fun to stuff it under the water to get some really interesting shots. That also causes a brief moment of panic amongst folks near you that haven't heard of water proof cameras. You can easily get shots like this:

I hadn't tried the 'sports' mode that Diane mentioned but certainlly will next time I'm out.

I have used the macro mode to take pictures of bugs I've pulled off the water. I use a minnow net from the local pet store (costs less than a dollar and works great):

The waterproof cameras are handy for more than just taking pics of your catch and not having to worry if they get splashed (everything in a kayak will get wet at some point).

I've used a waterproof bag for one of my other cameras and it made it very difficult to use the camera. Pentax's solution is far more practical in my experience.