I have an old S.A. Saltwater series Monocore that has a rough or bumpy texture by design. The idea then was that it would increase it's shooting characteristics. One thing it does do is collect gads of salt in the valleys. While I'm normally very good about rinsing and drying my gear. When I saltwater fly fished five to seven days a week, week after week, there would be times when I'd get lax about stripping the line all the way to the backing and cleaning it. So on subsequent days of fishing, I'd always run across patches on the running line that would be caked with salt residue.

I used that line primarily on a 9x9 Loomis Nautikos, the combination of that line and the Nautikos' guide set made for an almost hacksaw like sound when shot, double hauled or stripped with gusto. More so than any other rod I tried the line on. While that noise raised some concern in my mind about possible damage to the guides, after a season and a half of heavy use ( and some fairly heavy fish ), I was unable to detect any appreciable wear to the guides.

Best, Dave

Oh and Jonezee,
Re: "How many people actually weigh their fly lines? How many have a scale to weigh in grains?"

I do, but then I've always been a little funny that way or weigh.