
So first, does you wife have a sister? I'd like one out of that litter too.

Here is a novel reel idea. Go with a Hardy Marquis or the same reel sold as a Scientific Angler (model 5?) or LL Bean. I decided a couple of years ago that I liked the reel and have accumulated a few of the LL Bean versions over the years. They are relatively inexpensive ($150 if it says Hardy to $75 if it says Bean) - you have to get them used. I was surprised to read later that AK Best uses them for his standard reel (the SA branded one). I think these reels look great on bamboo.

I have also had problems with the Sylk lines and am now using them to tie up my tomato plants. Great texture and color but it would stick to itself and the rod and become impossible to shoot. I am back to the 444 peach. I have read that the same line is available from Hook and Hackle for about $28 as their house brand - is is green.

