
I too can vouch for the Elkhorn 7'1wt, which is the 4th 1wt I have. I got it as part of a great deal, which I obviously couldn't turn down, at the Somerset fly show, along with an Elkhorn large arbor reel. Actually the reel was such a neat color, plus it was exceptionally tight with tolerances, that maybe it was the triggering factor.

The other 1wts are different lengths (Sage 8'1", Orvis Superfine 7'6", although the Cabela like RW's is also 7') plus a cane Wagner which happens to also be 7'.

There are discernible nuances between the rods though I need to cross reference the 2 plastic 7 footers with 6 or 8 separate lines to fill out my matrix.

These 1wts shine when midging or Tricoing spring creeks with 7-12X, especially on sunny days with low water.
