My wife and I were also at the gala event for a Monday thru Wednesday short visit. I agree with you that JC's casting demonstration was outtasight. His "gettup" as Maestro Castwell ALONE was worth the trip.I'll even overlook the BROWN shoe indiscretion. His presentation of 35year old slide series was amazing. Who would have thunk up THAT contraption ( I'll let JC explain later) to photograph the underside , fish view, of bugs as they lay on the surface of waters?. Even my wife Luba (Looba) stayed awake.
All the above being said, however, the apparent success of this get together was/is due to the tireless efforts and promotion of Jack Hise and Mike Flannigan. Their exuberance was infectious. My greatest regret is that were not able to stay till the final moment and the cook-off. Rumors of Jack and Mike's culinary prowess had our mouths watering. Well, maybe next year.
I have purposely left out some details for a later post when everyone gets back home and settled.
