
When in doubt about permissibility, call before you head out. I have saved myself a lot of aggravation by doing that.

Also be advised that YOU should find out the rules and KNOW them for the areas you intend to fish. Many of the authorities don't!

I once had a conversation with a PA WCO, (fish cop), about float tube rules and he INSISTED that motors were permitted on float tubes in Pennsylvania. I didn't want to get his dander up, (for obvious reasons) so I corrected myself. After he left, I checked the Regulation Summary booklet which said regarding float tubes: "no mechanical propulsion". Which means MOTOR to me!

BTW, if you ever want to consider using a float tube in moving water, think about what would happen as you are drifting in a rock or log strewn river with flipper adorned feet dangling below. That a capsize waiting to happen!