Quote Originally Posted by tyeflies

It's also interesting that you talk about the right to be paid for intellectual property and yet you rip tiers for not sharing their 'special' or 'secret' techniques while demonstrating at shows. Allan
I go to shows to lean. Hopefully. Sometimes going can be a waste of time and money. Note that I carefully worded my above rant and have not said "all demo Tyers included". Heck-I have paid decent money to attend A.K.Best & Ed Engle tying classes at the shows. Worth every penny. I guess I'm just a little tired of the "Hey Look I am a Character behind this counter with a vise and will show you a quick fly" routine. Especially when I know the tyer has more chops than they demo. Guarding the nest I guess there are..

Also-The fly shows in my neck of the woods are frought with regional tyers; some of whom I am sure I equal in skill. But yet each tyer has a few good tricks and the demo tyers that do share are very much appreciated by me. The fly fishing show circuit is show business through and through and is far removed from the sport of fly fishing -IMO. I guess I need to recognize it for wht it is: Showbiz and Hoopla and Glitz and Marketing . some pikers and even some flim flam to boot!

If you started a new thread on Demo Tying, I'd read it

