There was a series of phone conversations starting from the guide who guided the 2 gentlemen I originally sold the flies to, to the final aforementioned conversation. There was at least a cast 4 different people in the conversations.
As for the fly being compared to the Improved Sofa Pillow, I totally agree they are very similar. At the time I tied the fly I had no real knowledge of the ISP. When I was told about the ISP I knew that there was a degree of difference between the 2 flies. The difference being the thorax being dubbed, a different color than the body and the thorax hackle being tied palmer style, in non touching turns, allowing the thorax profile and color to be seen. Also it was tied on a curved shank hook giving it a ovidepositing look. The hooks I used were 6x streamer hooks that were hand bent.
I originally called the it the fluttering stone fly when they made there treck out west, but that had allready been taken. After finding out about the ISP it was named very breifly the Improved Improved Sofa Pillow.