I do pretty much the same as SkipS. I tie a gurgler and rather than wrapping hackle I wrap the shank with a varigated crystal chenille. Black and copper seems to work well around here. Use black foam for body, tie in 3 pair of silicone legs, and a burnt orange or pumpkin marabou over copper flash for the tail. Tie them on a TMC300 hook, size 4 or 6.
I had to do my wash last Saturday morning, and when I walked into the laundrymat there was an annual Cicada quietly dying on the table. It's now sitting on my mouse pad. It's about two inches long, body and wings. The body's triangular in shape. About 1 1/16" long. A mix of olive green, gold and black on top. The eyes stick out on the sides of the head. It has six short legs, one pair facing front, two pair facing back. The belly is white with a black streak down the middle toward the tail. Wings are 1 1/2" long and are on the side rather than the back. They're clear with black and olive veins and extend 3/4" beyond the body(I have a vision of a giant CDC and Elk)..
I have a piece of black over white foam in the body shape. Have to decide on a hook, and a way to tie in the wings. These guys are around to well after Labor Day so I can piddle with it for a bit.