Darn SW Ladyfish, we got it wrong! Where was tbeez41 before we made our decisions?
Besides the graphite difference mentioned, and the fact I bought the Elite BEFORE the regular Ultra had IPC tech, and that the Elite has a graphite scrim which is such a grand idea that even Sage now uses it on only their highest of high-end rods I feel rod choice is a rather personal thing and my decision was well worth the extra money, had I paid it!
The TCR is a nice, fast stick but it isn't the end-all of fast rods. Anyone considering it would do well to also give the Loomis Max Linespeed a workout.
If fast is all you want there indeed ARE better rods than the Winston BIIx, even within the Winston line. It is soft up close as a rod should be, the magic doesn't kick in until you lace it up and start hitting the 70,80, 90' mark. For any rod to do all of that well is quite a feat.