I'm a firm believer that shopping is half the fun and I savor the hunt for new gear! My other nick-name is Lady Gearhead!

Answering your original question...
Ken fishes Sage RPLXi most of the time in 8 & 9 wt. He had a 10; but, found it stiffer than its smaller siblings and not a pleasure to cast. Since the RPLXi has been discontinued, you may find an excellent deal on a new or demo rod.

Also, try the St. Croix Legend Elite SW. Ken cast everything that was available in the 10 wt saltwaters and this rod outperformed them all. Subsequently, I now fish a 6 and 9 in the same rod. A little less expensive than the newest Sages with great fit and finish.

You might also look at St. Croix's new Legend Ultra that utilizes the same IPC technology with a less expensive graphite. It's also a little more than 1/2 the price and still made in the USA.

I tried a new Sage 8 wt. FLi and Xi2 a few weeks ago. The best description I can give for the FLi is "tinny". Pretty retro blank, cheap fittings, yech! I liked the Xi2; but, no more than the St. Croix I already have.

I have also cast the BIIx in an 8 wt with sinking and floating lines. Loved it with the sinking lines (Int & 350 grain); but, hated it with a WFF. A very stiff stick with lots of butt strength.

Happy hunting!