I am starting this new post so it doesnt get too confusing with all the edits.

So far we have six tyers the way its going we may have 12 in no time at all so just figure on tying one dozen flys. So if any of you have already tied a dozen flys and want to send them early to get it out of the way here is the info.

Send your flys in a crush proof container with a self addressed stamped means of returning your new flys to you, make sure its big enough and has enough postage, please no metered postage.

Also a fix some sort of tag to identify your flys so I can Identify them for the others.

Send to

Harvey Forbes
1217 Pottsville street
Pottsville Pa 17901

As soon as I have all the flys I will send them back out to everyone even before the deadline if they are all here.

Have Fun


[This message has been edited by wireguy (edited 06 July 2006).]