Jeffie, I experimented with this idea about 30 years ago. I used a light wire guitar string .010 (I think) cutting the eye off 1 hook and the hook off another making 2 "U"s out of the guitar string and fastened them to the 2 hooks, Do this to the hook first then cut off the hook, cut the eye off the other hook put the U thru the other attached U and secure it with thread, cazy glue the thread. I abandonded the idea because the flies had side to side motion and the Hendrickson nymph ,which I was trying to imitate, like most nymphs,swim with an up and down motion. Burrower nymphs have a side to side motion but its more like the way a snake moves, in an S . I also used a short shank hook first with a cut off hook at the tail, actually I tried it this way first. Trout prefered the non moving Hendrickson nymph over the swimming one. They would chase it but would not take it. Jim