In the mid '70's I was in college in Klamath Falls, Oregon. I worked part-time at a sporting goods store for awhile, and one day met an Oregon State Trooper in the store. During the conversation, he asked if I hunted or fished. When I told him yes, he told me never, ever go out fishing without being armed. He went on for a good while telling me of fishermen and hunters turning up missing in Klamath County over the years he'd been a trooper. He said Klamath County had a very large incidence of this, and only a fool would go out unarmed. I've been packin' whenever out and about ever since. I've stumbled across pot farms a time or two, and often see cougar sign. More often bear sign. and the aforementioned trouble with two-legged varmints is on the rise. Better to be careful and prepared than not. I am a lifelong hunter and fisherman, and Iwas taught by my dad, an ex Navy gunners mate. It's no macho trip in my case just practicality and a desire to be able to protect myself and my family should the need present itself, which I sincerely hope it never does. What others think of that is their business, and the choice to carry any weapon is personal. I am comfortable and competent with my weapon, and regularly shoot it at the range. Anyone who cannot say the same or similar should either not carry a handgun, or should get in some practice and range time occaisionaly. ..........ModocDan