Quote Originally Posted by Red Diamond View Post
this doesnt apply to bifocals but just had laser surgery and am having the correct reading glasses for tying flies 2.5 to tie , 2.0 to work on computer and back to 2.5 to read i have so many glasses now i cant keep up with them going back to dr. next week and hope he can make adjustiment or i may go broke buying glasses or crazy trying to keep up with them.

If you "just" had the surgery, your eyes will need a few months to stabilize so your doctor might not want to prescribe any reading glasses yet, but even when he/she does, you may still want different strength readers for different tasks. The reading glass strength you are most likely to use for tying flies will probably be too strong for reading. I had the surgery last winter. I have pairs of readers in one strength on my tying desk and in my fishing vest. I also have a number of pairs in a second strength around the house, car, office, etc.. for reading. I'll take this problem any day over the terrible vision I had before lasik surgery (really poor distance vision and really bad astigmatism). I am just thankful that readers from the drugstore are cheap and work just fine.