Quote Originally Posted by hap View Post
The whole pool was full of salmon

Ahhhh Salmon. Enough said! For some reason that dying hunk of swimming flesh brings out the absolute worst class of anglers I have ever seen. I like fly fishing for salmon, but the crowds it attracts often takes the fun away. Being an aging female, usually fishing alone...it can be down right dangerous.

I hit one stream a couple of years ago...near Toronto. STUPID MISTAKE!! It was chuck full of the 20 gal white bucket crowd who conveniently "no speak english" if you make a comment about how they just pushed you into the river while they illeagally snagged the fish you were working. They have an interesting method of covering water. You'll be quietly working a fish when three anglers will quickly walk up right next to you. One will stand right behind you so you can't safely make a back cast or even a roll cast. One will walk right in front of you so you can't forward cast to the fish and the other fellow will fish across you so your lines will tangle if you try to lay one down. They are all chucking those huge heavy Mepps spinners that look like they can take down a 25 ft shark. All on one fish. You give up, move to another part of a river and as soon as they see you casting, they assume there must be another fish there, so they come and do the same thing all over again or you get a new gang...who ever can run the fastest. If you should hook the fish, they accidently bump into you, in the hopes that you'll fall in and shake it off. If you manage to keep it, they are following you with there buckets or stingers and asking in very good english..."Can I have your fish?" "I help you get fish off hook!" as they grab your line. Needless to say, that was the first and last time I fished anywhere near there. I've also seen heated threats, fist fights, dunkings and knives pulled on the rivers during that time of year. All for a near dead hunk of rotting flesh. I just don't get it. I'm there for the fun of the odd tug and that's all. It's actually more fun to just take a lawn chair and watch the loogans go at it. (from a safe distance).

Unfortunatly this sort of thing has gone on for some time and fed up locals in that area are showing there frustration now, to the point where there has been a hate crimes task force assigned to this particular ethnic group of anglers in the Toronto area. I completely understand the locals frustration, but the vigilantly methods they are employing just make everybody look bad.

Me?.... I don't head in that direction to fish anymore. I don't fish for salmon very much anymore either.