FlyMaker2- While I have done tying at show's at both of those shows I was doing slide show's on the spring creek fishing here and the one in Oregon I was doing casting demo's showing the Double Haul. I was also doing promo's for several different company's product's. I use to do a lot more than just tie flies. I had rod's and reels that I used while casting Same with other things like my clothing. They furnished the rods, reels, lines and so on so there products could be in front of the consumer.

Like I said Jim seemed like a nice person. As for the shop's not carrying his flies here it has nothing to do with what he makes on the fly or if it has a patten but if they feel it will work. Most of these shops buy flies from several different companys and I am sure they would buy his flies if they thought they would be a good here. Again not saying it dosen't work here. They buy what works that is how they make money.
I tie for two shops here and all pattern's but one are my own. They work so the shop's buy them from me. I worked these pattern's out over many years of guiding these river's and spring creeks.
As for me tying Jim's flies. I am sure that my retail customers would never say a word if I tied those flies for them. And I am sure other tiers do tie his flies for there own use and for client's. Just to hard to protect a patten like that.

I know that his flies work for Salmon and other fish in ALaska and on great lakes fish. But those fish are not for the most part picky like others are. (Been there and done that.) If you get a fly in front of them and they are ready to take it they do not care what it is. One day one color will work another day another color will do well.
Much different from matching a hatch like we we do here. It is just a fact that in some areas of this country his flies do not produce as well as other's do. That is why they are not in the local shops. If his flies worked well here I would bet you a lot of money that the local shops would have them in stock no matter the cost.

I can't tell you the number of flies I have tied at show's and given people. I have never turned anyone down if they asked for a fly I was tying. I have even let them use my vise and helped them with many different things that they had problems with. That is part of doing shows. If you are not doing things like that the companys that pay you will not hire you again. It is in fact good for businees.
Just like Jim did for you. Now you think well of him and his business. See it works LOL and Jim know's it to. He also respects his customers that is another reason he will do it.
A very good friend that own's The Fly Fishers in Milwaukee Wisconsin, Pat Ehlers, he likes Jim a lot and if he likes Jim he must be a good guy. I like Pat and did a two day tying show each year for over 15 years for him up until I became disabled and can not talk the way I use to. Other wise I would still be doing those shows. Good Tying. Ron