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Thread: Kayak Flyfishing

  1. #31


    Hey folks,
    I have a question that maybe someone can answer. Does anyone know of a way to keep my kayak from spinning around in circles once I have pulled into postion to fish? The way its going now is I can fish, or I can control the boat once stationary after having dropped my anchor. Also I was thinking of adding a rudder to the back of my craft. Does anyone know a good aftermarket rudder for an inflatable kayak? Hey Brian M, I know the stretch you are talking about. I live in Austin and have been trying to fish that area for a while. Is the fishing good there? ZZdruid great pictures. Well if anyone has any solutions I would be greatful. I have an inflatable so my options are limited, but I am innovative so any homemade solutions would be great.

    The enemy was many and they were but few,
    But they stormed the gates of hell with glory in their eyes,
    For tonight they sleep in Valhalla.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    I am assuming you have come to a complete stop. If not, then your boat is turing because the boat is not balanced or symetrical and it acts as a rudder turning you. Inflatables are more likely to do this because the bottom will conform to you, rather than the other way around.

    If your problem is the turning after coming to a complete stop then it must be wind or currents that is pushing you. An anchor or drift sock is an alternative. The other option is to get a ping pong paddle and use that as a simple paddle to straighten you out from time to time. Much easier to use than reclaiming your paddle, putting down your rod etc.


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    charlotte, nc


    I solved that prob with a front and back anchor, or you can anchor so that a 'steady'
    wind will position your boat best.

    the anchors I use are 2 ft of 3/8 in log chain on a 3/16 inch nylon line. works good in lakes or the mild current of streams to slow you down/stop you.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Nassau Bay, Texas, USA


    Hey SS,

    The fishing this time was not so good. The water was murky as heck. Here is a link to a trip report down that section of river. [url=http://www.paddling.net/message/showThread.html?fid=chat&tid=489407:b1016]http://www.paddling.net/message/showThread.html?fid=chat&tid=489407[/url:b1016]

    There is also a link to some pics of the trip as well.

    As far as spining around while anchored, I have rigged up an anchor trolley. I can basically move my anchor point from bow to stern or anywhere in between. Trying to anchor up in current can be dangerous depending upon the current flow and where your anchor point is on the boat. In current I will anchor of the bow or stern depending upon which way I want to fish. I can get a few pics and post them if you want to see what I am talking about. Hope ya'll like the trip report and pics, it was fun. We did not see another person the whole time, except for a rancher. He was pretty cool, interested in our fishing and boats.

  5. #35


    I have been flyfishing from a siton (tarpon 120) and a sitin (loon 12)since I started flyfishing several years ago. Both lakes and rivers (class 1 and 2). I have always liked to paddle and then took up flyfishing. The combo is a blast. However, there are times when a lot of patience is required. Especially boat control when there is lots of wind, a fair amount of current, and that special spot that has a huge smallie (in your mind)lurking. All this stuff you read about how to cast, presentation, etc., is a real challenge when you are in such a situation. I look forward to any info exchange on this loony combination.

  6. #36


    I solved 90% of my problems anchoring by usng a anchor pulley system. Simply rig a line that goes from bow to stern on both sides w/ a couple of tie in points. Hook your anchor line to one of them and adjust the pulley to put the anchor in just the right spot to position the yak for fishing the spot you're working.
    Usually works.
    Of course I usually fish from my Hobie and the peddals and rudder help a whole lot too!!

  7. #37


    hey folks,
    thanks for all the helpful tips. I have been working with a single anchor and hadn't thought of using a two anchor system. It makes sence that two points of contact with the bottom would keep me stationary. Have to gove it a try. Went out on Sat. but no fish to report because we got a late start(1 pm). Off the water by 4:30 so it was to hot, but got a lot of paddling done. It can be hard to keep up with a canoe in a kayak. O well thats the price you pay to be able to paddle alone if necessary. BryanM thanks for the report and the pics. Well have to go.

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