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Thread: Some things I've learned over the years. Add yours.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cedar City, UT


    1. Know your limitations, then push the envelope.

    2. Experiment. If that fails, experiment more.

    3. Fish the way that makes you happy. Ignore the nattering naysayers.

    4. Share your passion with a friend.

    5. You'll catch more fish if you find the places where they live and feed.

    6. Fishin' is better than wishin'.


  2. #22


    What does your #2 mean? Please explain. Thanks, Robert.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Oklahoma City, OK


    Idabel, I started tying my bugger patterns on small jig hooks several years ago and found them much more productive than bead heads, especially for trout in some of those deep pools in the Illinois River. Combined with a sink-tip line you can really get deep. That probably should have been one of my "things learned" as well. Robert, can't wait to see some of your "fire tiger" clousers!!

  4. Default

    Not much to add, but a large zip-loc bag with a couple of wet wipes in 'em are an important part of my gear. So much more comfortable than the cut off t-shirt I used as a boy. The zip lock bag works great for tidying up afterwards as well, if you're so inclined. On cold days store them close to your body so they're nice and warm when you use them.

    I love the fish are dumb post. It really is so true.

    I didn't see this posted, but learn to tie really good knots and then take your time on every one. If you're not 100% happy then redo. A sloppy knot will cost you a big fish.

    Finally, I find it interesting that I don't ever recall hearing a spinning/baitcasting fisherman complaining about fly fishermen. Yet, last summer alone, I can't even begin to count the number of negative comments I heard fly fishermen make of others... sorta makes you wonder.


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
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    Always carry a handerchief, you can even use it on a runny nose.

    Never put the line in your mouth unless you are sure that the water is safe.

    Fish for the fun of it.

    A flowing stream can wash away a lot of rubbish, especially from your mind. Mental rubbish doesn't seem to pollute the stream.

    God clearly has never intended for me to be arrogant and will quickly apply remediation.

    The 9 inch minnow that I catch will weigh more than the 9 inch bass that I caught just upstream.

  6. #26


    I've learned this about fishing during the past 65 years or so...its that I don't know much about it. I thought that I had a lock on it when I was about 9 years old and maybe I did...but if so, I've forgotten it all a little at a time!

    Ol' Bill

  7. #27


    1.ALWAYS take a trout bum fishng despite any arguing
    2.AlWAYS inrtoduce a friend to the sport
    3. ALWAYS regard gills,crappie and whitefish as fun
    4.AlWAYS exaggerate the size of the fish you caught
    5.ALWAYS put toilet paper in vest. i laughed so hard at your reply fishcreek.

    tight lines, and taught thread

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