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Thread: Lost a great friend and family member today

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Mesa, Arizona USA

    Default Lost a great friend and family member today

    Well, we had to go this morning and put Mandy our English Springer Spaniel to sleep. She was 13-14 years old and she hadn't eaten anything for almost 5 days, she could hardly move and her breathing was very shallow, it was a very, very, sad day. Helen and Krystin cried a lot when we took her to the clinic, and I didn't really enjoy doing this to my hunting pal I've had since she was just a puppy. Somethings are really hard to do, and this one was especially hard. Today I had to say goodbye to an old friend, she was a great bird dog and a fighter all the way to the end, she will be sorely missed.

    There are no words to express the feelings that come forth when you turn and leave your precious souls in the hands of someone else, and certainly no words to describe the feelings that come rushing forth as I right this. These are emotions that cut like a knife, quick and right to the bone.

    My family lost a member today and she won't soon be forgotten. Wherever she went today, a part of me went with her!

    Sorry for dumping this on my friends at FAOL, but I couldn't hold it in any longer and had to share it with someone, I hope you understand.

    "The solution to any problem - work, love, money, whatever - is to go fishing, and the worse the problem, the longer the trip should be." - John Gierach

  2. #2



    That is the pitts. Man I feel for you. I lost my buddy many years ago and just have not gotten over losing him. He was a begale and was the smartest dog I have ever had the pleasure of being owned by.
    WE do not own dogs they own us.

    I'll pray for your family.
    You hang in there, this is tougher than most people think.


    [This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 26 June 2006).]

  3. #3


    Our sympathy as well. Our little Pee Wee's bed (which held his toys, he never slept in it) is still under the hearth where he left it. We haven't discussed it, and neither of us can put it away. The good part is remembering the good and fun stuff. The loss will be with you forever.

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  4. #4


    We feel your grief and our thoughts and prayers are with you. You couldnt have picked anyplace to put those thoughts where they would fall on the eyes and ears of people like you that have those great little friends and the same feelings that you have. It is so easy to get attached to them and that attachment never leaves. Always keep in mind that that little beeze you will sometimes feel behind you, that brush against the leg is your pal there with you as he will always be.

  5. #5



    Many of us can appreciate, because we know, the emotions you and family are going through. My condolences for the loss of Mandy.


  6. #6
    nighthawk Guest


    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. A tough thing to do but, to me, it's harder to watch them suffer. You, Helen and Krystin are in our prayers. By the way, you are not dumping on us. Good time friends aren't true friends at all. Real friends are there through good and bad times. The folks on this board are real friends of yours, Terry.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    American veteran and proud of it!

    [This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 26 June 2006).]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I know exactly what you and your family are going through. We have been through it too and it is really hard to do what we know we had to do. Our animals always gave us their best and never held a grudge and the least we can do is let them go when they are hurting. The good news is that they will be waiting on us on the other side. My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Harrisburg, PA


    Dear Terry,

    Like many others I have been through the same thing you are going through. I often think of the dogs I have known in the past, and I still feel a twinge when I think about them.

    Rudyard Kipling

    I have done mostly what most men do,
    And pushed it out of my mind;
    But I can?t forget, if I wanted to,
    Four-Feet trotting behind.
    Day after day, the whole day through?
    Wherever my road inclined?
    Four-Feet said, ?I am coming with you!?
    And trotted along behind.

    Now I must go by some other round,?
    Which I shall never find?
    Somewhere that does not carry the sound
    Of Four-Feet trotting behind.

    Best Wishes,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Terry I feel your pain. I too had a springer I had to have put down. She was about 11 years old and had went everywhere with me. The vet said he would come up to the house and put her down and he would take care of putting her in the ground for me also. I knew he was going to be there at 10:00 and when I looked at the clock at work and it was 10:05 I knew she was gone. I got so upset I had to leave the office so no one could see me cry.

    I wish back then I would have had the good people here at FAOL to help me through it. Thoughtful words from good friends can help with the healing. You have lots of friends here Terry and you and your family are in our thoughts.


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