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Thread: Drug Free Trout Bum Pulls "total stoner move"

  1. #11


    Several qualify, two of the more painful:

    -Put wading boots on the wrong feet, didn't discover until noon. Not entierly due to carelessness; had a pretty bad hangover that day ;> ).

    -left a full box of flies open to dry on a rock near Howard Lake in the Wind Rivers. I realized that I left them about 15 miles down the trail. Needless to say, the next backpacker got lucky.

    Believe me, you don't have the market cornered on "stoner" moves.


  2. #12


    I actually forgot my rod once. I'm not sure how it happened, but I put everything but the rod in the car. Talk about a brain ****.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Washington County, Idaho


    I used to have a beetle with a radio that would not shut off when the car was turned off. It ran my battery down after about 10 hours of Atlantic Salmon fishing on a North Shore Gaspe River. I was by myself. So, I pushed the car uphill a ways, got a good running jump, popped the clutch (yes, I had remembered to turn the key on). It started up and before I could say "the stupid thing's not charged up yet", I turned it off. Click, tdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtd, hissed the starter. Back up the hill again and I'm still by myself. This time, during my running jump, my passenger tire found the soft sand along the shoulder and the car veered to the right down an incline towards a 120 foot cliff. I desparetly tried to hold the rumbling car back but after ten feet of bumper skiing with heel tracks, I let go. Au revoir and look out below I yelled as the car made its way towards the cliff, bullying black spruce and their six inch deep root systems. One tree, a mighty 6 incher, growing at a 45 degree angle was all that stood between my beetle and the bridge pool. It held, although I could probably push it over from the side. I waived down a trucker and we hoisted it out of the woods with chains. We jumped the battery I drove it back down the road toward Sept-Isles. No fish, but a little wiser.

  4. Default

    wrote about it in a previous post...

    went floating and forgot all my fly reels at home, but came home and found out that i had the reels with me the entire day and didn't know it. ended up using my spinning rod and broke that rod. not a good day.

    take him fishing

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Delano, PA 18220


    OK. If one takes a length of old fly line and threads it through a hole made in fly box,ties a knot and on other end ,mahe a loop, attach to safety pin,pins it to inside of vest pocket, you won't lose it too often.
    'O course if ya forget your VEST,then,well
    ........! Joe

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Central Nevada


    Place-Offshore Sea of Cortez-Baja: Lost two complete SW rigs overboard to big fish and got a huge lump on the knee cap trying to save one of them. All this action in less than 1 minute's time. It was a very intense minute. Very costly too, since I figured the loss at around $1,200.00. Came very close to diving in after the Tibor and 12Wt rod.I started a new reef out there with Tibor and Shimano reels. The worst part was that the Panguero was making fun of me on the radio in spanish to his buddies, and my fishing partner wouldn't share any of the tuna he landed.

    That's fishin'

  7. #17


    I'm sure I have too many to count. Right now I"m leaving for a 5 day trip and I had as many days to leisurely get ready... guaranteed trouble there. I think the longer you have to prepare for a trip the more likely you leave a necessity behind.

    I'll look for your flies this week Benjo...come on down and show me where to look. I'll call when we set up camp.

    Have fun

  8. #18


    went 'tubing without fins.new meaning to "slow day"

  9. #19


    had our first annual father son, brother-in-law nefue, friend and father fishing trip this weekend, non of except my son and I is a fly fisher.......needless to say I lost 2 full boxes of flys floating down the Asable when the pack that my bro in law borrowed opened up....... lets not talk about the rod he broke .....some get lucky when they get married and get in laws I got out laws

  10. #20


    fun topic. when i lived in jackson hole in 95/96, my buddy and i took a weekend camping/fishing trip up to yellowstone. arrived after dark, so no fishing 'til the next morning. i had rigged my rod up after breakfast and leaned it against my car while i got myself ready. pushed the car door to close, when the slow-motion sequence began: door closing, rod wobbles, door closing, rod tips, door closing, rod begins falling toward door, door closing, "nooooooooooooooooooooo..........", SNAP. we were still new to the sport, so no back-up rods. luckily my bud was kind enough to let me borrow his rig to fish a couple pools. not the best weekend.

    and one time i forgot my reel on the kitchen table.

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