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Thread: I blew it

  1. #11


    I hate when I lose my temper. I know how you must have felt. The spot on the stream was ruined by him, and the whole day, and probably evening was ruined by your reaction. I am slowly learning the consequences for losing it, and I really feel great when I have those small victories when I can show restraint.

    He died for me, so I could live for Him.
    He gave His life for me, so I could give mine to Him.
    He became like me, so I could become like Him.

  2. #12


    Betty I don't think you blew it at all.
    No apology necessary. Maybe if more of us 'spoke up' instead of being so 'understanding' this kind of behavior would stop.

    Inconsiderate slobs don't deserve any rights or consideration.

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Bridgewater,Ma USA


    Betty, You did fine. Some jerks you can't give too much slack to because if you give an inch, they take a mile... It's too bad that these stressful things have to happen while we are out to relax. It's doubly hard when they have a kid with them. I had the misfortune (a couple of times) of fishing near guys absolutely screaming at their kids like lunatics for hardly anything at all... I mean like the kid asking to change lures while "Dad" was wading a few feet from shore. I wanted to crawl under a log I was so embarrassed to even be there; meanwhile the BP was climbing and thudding in my ears. I figured any lecture I'd give such a moron would probably result in the kid getting a beating later... I'm sorry it ruined your day, and obviously even more...

  4. #14



    I waited a day to respond to this because I was ticked by the way you were treated.

    My mom would have done a whole lot more than scold the being in question (he does not deserve to be called a man) I can see my father having to stop fishing to go buy mom another rod after she wore that fellows britches thin. Mom was a little gal, but when it came to right and wrong she was tall as a mountain.

    YOU did alright for yourself, and yes I would feel sad the next week or so also. Not for the man but for the little girl. I sure hope this person learned from you a little respect.

    Go fishing you did nothing but stand your ground. I for one am proud of you!


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Thank you , All, for your support. I thought I'd failed miserably. I will endevor to be a better steward of Fly-fishing in the future ... and maybe carry an ice pick with me!

    Trouts don't live in ugly places
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Deltona, Florida, USA


    (waving my 9 wt all around as I speak)
    "We, the local Pirate Nation, do hereby grant Betty official pirate status!"
    Here's a suggestion, Betty. Next time, wave the flyrod around, letting line out and make it go everywhere all the while screaming, "How do I stop those voices in my head!!!" Then lurch down and look at the guy and growl, wiping slobber from you lips, and growl some more. Then say, "How much for the little girl?"
    Yep, that'll do it!

    I was old one day last week, and didn't like it, but I'm better now...
    (Betty's friend)

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Deltona, Florida, USA


    Oh yeah, warn Cary about this or he may run into the woods never to be seen again. Or not! You may want to save it to use on him if he ticks you off.

    I was old one day last week, and didn't like it, but I'm better now...
    (Betty's friend)

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    You did blow it. I agree. Not without provocation, and not so bad as the dad, but we don't really care about the dad today do we.

    You blew it because you yelled at him which brought you down to his level and that made you feel bad. You don't owe him an apology, rather you owe yourself the courtesy of acknowledging you are human and learning that you could have been equally effective while maintaining your integrity.

    If I were in your shoes and able to have done what I would like, (rather than what my natural tendency is) I would have said something like you are invading the area that I was fishing in, ruining any chance I may have of catching a fish and setting a poor example for your child. Further your doing this adds nothing to your chances of catching a fish. If you feel you need to fish where I am the proper thing to do would be to ask, which you did not do.

    I for one hate to put down a father in front of their child no matter how poorly they are acting. Bad enough they see their father acting the part of the fool, bringing it out in front of the child will only make the child feel worse.

    If that doesn't work, then try pciking up a big rock and... no, no never mind that.

    So I agree you made a mistake. Now get over it, treat it as a learning experience and move on. It takes a good person to feel badly about a mistake. Most boors would not even think about it.


  9. #19


    I usually try to maintain a calm demeanor as well but sometimes enough is enough. 2 weeks ago I was with my brother and my father on a popular river. We drove downstream after lunch to hit a different section. When we go out of the truck we heard whimpering. There were 2 full grown huskies in locked tiny crate in the back of this guy's truck. No water in sight. They could not move because there was no room. It was 98 degrees out. I lost it. I was talking to my brother and dad about how sick it made me and sure enough there was someone in the truck we did not see. She came out screaming her head off about how she loves her dogs etc... She thought that we would feel bad for saying something but we did not. It got ugly and I thought my brother was going to lock her in the crate. Kinda wish he had. Sometimes people just need to know when they are wrong.

    Jim in CO

    [This message has been edited by Bostonangler (edited 20 June 2006).]

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Des Moines, IA



    Bet he doesn't realize how lucky he was that he had his little girl along. I can see you kicking his a*& up and down that stream. Of course I suspect you would have done it in a warm and gracious way. *G*
    " If a man is truly blessed, he returns home from fishing to the best catch of his life." Christopher Armour

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