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Thread: What about favorite meals?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Idaho falls ID. USA


    What you eat is not nearly as important as where you are and who you eat it with. IE. beans and franks over a campfire with my dad and son beats a fine steak at a hotel by myself hands down!!!


  2. #22
    nighthawk Guest


    Well, uumm, if you ever get to see me you will know that there aren't many meals that aren't a favorite.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    American veteran and proud of it!

  3. #23


    Mmmm. Good Eats. One of my favorite topics. Some favorites would include:

    BBQ pork shoulder from my smoker, BBQ baby back ribs from my smoker, steak - any cut, salmon steaks/fillets cooked over charcoal, thick tuna steaks cooked medium rare, pork loin roasted slowly on the grill or in the smoker, any sort of roast beef, cheeseburgers, pizza, bratwurst and homemade ice cream. Hmmm, I seem to detect a carniverous leaning

    Cadillac, MI

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec


    Hmm,. ...

    North American:
    Mom's rib roast, rice 'n peas, pop-overs (Yorkshire puddings), corn on the cob 'n gravy.

    Steamed meat, beef 'n greens, white rice, spicy /crispy rock cod 'n curried shrimp

    Ren?e's Meat 'n potatoe pie (Torti?re)

    Jerk Pork and Patties.

    Ymmmmm !

    Christopher Chin, Jonquiere Quebec
    [url=http://flyanglersonline.com/travel/quebec06fishin/:07ef3]2006 FishIn Ste-Marguerite River[/url:07ef3]
    [url=http://pages.videotron.com/fcch/:07ef3]Fishing the Ste-Marguerite[/url:07ef3]
    Christopher Chin

  5. #25


    Just about anything my family cooks, we are all good cooks with 2 trained cooks on board. It does not matter the food as long as there is plenty of it and family and friends make the food taste better.

    If you had a chance to eat at any of the Florida fish-ins you will know what good food and friends equal...

    I think it is getting close to another secret pirate meeting...

    By the way everything mentioned so far would be just perfect.

    I would add smoked mullet to the list, fried gator tail, venison bbq, ribs,
    sweets lemon pie, cheese cake, anything with chocolate in it.


    [This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 15 June 2006).]

  6. #26
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Clark Fork, Id, USA


    I would have to say my mom's beer battered fish wish red beans and dirty rice..mmmmmm


  7. #27


    After seeing all these posts, I realize I have lived a very sheltered life! Those meals really sound larrupin'good!
    Now, y'all send recipes to Ladyfisher to put in the "What's Cookin'" feature so I can copy the recipes.
    When I asked my wife when we were going to have some of the various meals, she asked where I came up with all this. I told and and she said "Gee Thanks Guys!"" I'll never get your cholesterol down with all that stuff."
    Might as well die happy!
    Thanks for participating and keep it coming!


    all types of fishermen must pull together for the good of all!!!

  8. #28


    YOU GUYS!!...I gained 4 pounds just reading this thread!!!


  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Thirty-some posts and NObody mentioned meatloaf. That's got to be a record. Even I forgot to mention it in my earlier post. I personally have never had a bad meatloaf. And I've eaten at some empty truck stops.


    I'd rather be in Wyoming!

  10. #30


    I will agree with you Marco, I haven't had or made a meatloaf I didn't like. Better than my meatloaf though, I make some awesome Stuffed Bell Peppers which I like to serve over linguine. Nummy !! Y'all are killing me with this food talk.

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