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Thread: New Fishing License in PA.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    I have a question and a comment.
    First, why did PA want to initiate this? Is it a money thing or some other idea?

    Second. If it worked for "you" it does not mean it will work for everyone. I want no impediment to interfer with kids getting access to the outdoors. I am wondering, not about the family tht will discuss this, give kids chores to earn money etc. I am worried about kids that come from disfunctional families, single parent families with no cars or time. Do we place insurmountable obsticles in the way of these kids, who will fish anyway in some cases and learn that you can ignore the law and get away with it. I think I've been checked for a license twice in my lifetime.

    While I want to hear the reasoning behind this I am not currently leaning in favor of a kids license program.


  2. #22



    You can read about it [url=http://http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Fish_Boat/promo/initiatives/jrlicense/00junior.htm:d8b24]here.[/url:d8b24]

    What the state is proposing is to INCREASE the programs for children but they are looking for another way to fund it BESIDES increasing the cost of all licences to all license holders, AGAIN, regardless of whether they have children. The proposed fee is $3.00.

    The alternative is to do nothing to increase these programs which would be sad considering that school sports programs, Scouts and similar activities have a considerably higher individual participant expense responsibility, and no one has a problem selling cupcakes, raffle tickets or cookies to raise those funds. Call me what you want but I feel that those that benefit the most from extra activities should also pay for the greatest share of the cost whether it's school athletes, or just those with children in the system. It just isn't fair to continually ask for more money for more programs from everybody just because that's the way it always was. Think about that all you senior citizens the next time your school taxes go up and you are paying as much as your neighbors with 4 school aged kids.

    I really have a hard time believing that there is any kid out there who either couldn't get the $3.00 from Mom or Dad, or couldn't scrape it together themselves. Sorry, but when I see all the money thrown at children today, I have a hard time understanding the financial objections. I realize there are some severely poor families out there, but how many of those families can afford the tackle and other goodies needed to go fishing? I've never seen anybody fishing these days with a willow stick and safety pin.

    Just my 1/150th, ($.02), the cost of the proposed PA Children's Fishing License...

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    York, PA, USA


    I have an alternative to the proposed youth fishing license. Instead of spending the money on stocking large numbers of trout in streams that cannot maintain a native population, put a fraction of that money in improving those cold water fisheries that can support native trout and reduce the daily creel limit of trout to 2 per day, with a slot size requirement. This would eliminate the yearly "circus" of opening day, allow the commission to spend those limited dollars to protect and improve the fisheries, and I bet there would still be plenty left over to expand youth programs.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA


    IMHO Mr Castwell has pretty well summed it up. Amen.

    Tim Anderson

  5. #25
    nighthawk Guest


    Here's the link to the article:

    Did you take note of this:

    According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, an estimated 272,000 PA youth (ages 12 to 15) fished in 2000. Current discussions suggest a $5 junior license fee. The PFBC receives Sport Fish Restoration (SFR) funds based in part on the number of licenses sold in the state.

    Estimated revenue from a youth license
    272,000 youth ages 12-15 X $5 suggested license fee = $ 1,360,000
    272,000 licenses sold X approx. $3 SFR funds = $ 816,000
    Potential revenue $ 2,176,000
    This amount is nearly four times the amount the Commission currently spends on youth education.

    I do not think that the commission will increase the current spending by a factor of two, three or four. Nice little cash haul.

    Eric "nighthawk"

    American veteran and proud of it!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Wellsboro, Penna. USA


    I am always interested in the response of each individual as I started this post. For those that grew up poor like I did, working for something was a great learning experience and I wouldn' trade it for the world. I tried (and succeeded) in teaching my kids, who had much more than I did, the same belief in hard work. So, a few of you guys with that mentality I understand, but to me fishing was a time when my two brothers and I could spend time with my dad who would not have been able to buy three extra licenses.

    Some may argue that kids take for granted what they don't work for, and to some extent I agree (adults are also in the same boat). Many may have remembered a posting I made a year ago about taking my childrens old hip boats with me the first day of the season and giving them to youngsters on the creek that had no boots. I alway got a great smile from dad and child, saw an excited kid trying to put on the boots before I got back in the truck, and I would bet all of them are still fishing today. Those free boots just made their appetite wet for the sport, the ability to fish free in Pennsylvania opened up a new world to them and me.

    Do what you can and fight this license (or tax) on our children and grandchildren. The old saying, "the best things in life are free" is still true. Let's not remove our youth's fishing experiences from that list.

  7. #27


    for the price of a dozen night crawlers you get a fishing license. and you can get them at the same place. what's the beef. this is a money thing, not the $3 license fee but the federal tax money given to the states. this is given by howmany licensed fisher people there are. more license more revenue. and juniors are not required to buy the special stamps. if $3 is the deciding factor in a license then why is not the price of a rod or reel or line or hooks or lures or any other fishing related expense. what a week arugnemt.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Wellsboro, Penna. USA


    I just realized something, fishing when I was a kid was the same as the price for a dozen night crawlers. We got out a light, went to the yard (all the neighbors' yards or anyplace that had grass) and got our own. Believe it or not, many do the same today. Use old borrowed fishing gear from dad or pop, ride a bike to the creek, and fish (catch or not) all without a license.

    Sorry, I don't live in a big city now. Forgot that some people are not what we call "self sufficient".

  9. #29


    we've had junior licenses for kids in VA for as long as I can remember.

    1 - things don't happen without money, if they are proposing to do more for the outdoor community, especially the kids - its justified in my mind

    2 - any child that I came across that wanted to fish but couldnt come up with the money to get the license, I'd be the first person to hand them the fee to get them on the water. I would suspect the same of most of us as well.
    they can't drive - so chances are they have an adult taking them to and from fishign locations, who is very likely buying, or helping them earn the money to retain the license

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Why does no one get the point against?
    You and I have limits. We have to budget, or do without. Why do you ACCEPT lesser standards from all your government entities?
    What's fair for the goose SHOULD be fair for the gander.....ESPECIALLY when the gander is making up the "ever changing" rules.
    ....lee s.

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