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Thread: Question I found on another BB

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
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    If I read the first post correctly (and I did cause I don't make mistrakes er make that mistakes ) , the guy is not dumping his best friend He is just not going fishing with him anymore . Its Nothing to lose a friend over .

    Fish are merciless predators who make their living killing and eating thousands of tiny creatures and I have no qualms about killing one but I seldom do . I fish barbless and practice C&R . If I hook one in the gills , I keep it . I keep the odd one to eat when I am camping and cooking over the fire , its part of the outdoors experience that I enjoy .
    I used to be an avid hunter , but no longer find sport in killing animals .
    If asked to participate in a hunting trip . I simply say I'm not going . There is no need to get up on a soapbox and spout off about something I no longer believe in .
    In time maybe this persons friend will come to believe in 100% catch and release himself . Bugging him about it or preaching to him will do no good .
    This person could simply say to his friend , I'm sorry I would like to go with you but I have a problem with anyone killing fish it upsets me . This would give his friend the chance to say No problem I won't take any when I'm with you , or He could just accept that they are no longer fishing buddy just good friends .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    McKinney TX USA
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    guy sounds a bit too sanctimonious to me. Pure C&R such as that is almost as silly and unthinking as the "kill 'em all" school of angling thought.

    IMHO many who are so sanctimonious about C&R are acting in a manner not unlike superstition as opposed to thoughtfully acting to preserve resources. It is a blood sport in the final analysis.

    IM = robinrhyne@hotmail.com

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Laurelton NY USA


    I read that post too. That person should think that over. A friend is worth more than a fish.

  4. #14


    My opinion on this is, that with that kind of thinking he's gonna die a lonely man when his time comes.

    Latr, RW

    "We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-
    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  5. #15


    True friends accept friends for what they are, not for what they would like them to be.

    The friend who gets dumped because he likes to keep and eat the fish he catches is lucky to find out now about the true nature of the one he thought was a friend to him.


  6. #16


    That guy is nuts. If we gave up friendships because your friend does one thing that we dislike, then we would never have life long friends.

    US Army 90-92
    577th ENGR BN Training Co.

  7. #17



    I know what post you speak of. You need to re-read that post. The guy accepts that his friend keeps some fish, as does he most of the time. But the issue came up because his friend keeps ANYTHING, regardless of the size. His friend keeps taking undersized trout, and it doesn't bother him.

    That's the issue. I don't think anyone in their right mind would toss away friendship due to keeping fish.h


    Richie =)

  8. #18


    I don't know the post, but if'n your hungry, eat!!!

    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

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