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Thread: hey Fishigan

  1. #631


    Come on folks this here is funny, I don't care who you are this is funny... Get-R-Done

    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  2. #632


    Harold must be out sitting in the sunlight and relaxing. The rest of the pirates may actually have had a for real type computer freeze up looking at some of the temperatures on the weather channel. Seems kind of quiet in here... AAaarrrrgggghhhh?


  3. #633
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dunedin, Fl USA


    The downside of living here in sunny Florida is we have to do all that yard work and stuff year round. Trim thebushes, cut the grass, clean the pool.Weekends are busy!

  4. #634


    Hi everyone;

    Bill is right it was a honey do weekend. I had my honey do the lawn, do the shopping, clean my office, take the car in for an oil change, wash both vans and take me to dinner. Then I woke up and figured it was saturday and I had all that stuff to do. I cleaned my office and Sue did the rest. I took her to dinner and breakfast the next day. Good weekend all in all. But who left the ice box door open.


    [This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 17 January 2005).]

  5. #635



    Thank you to whoever sent the blast of warm air up this way last week! Got warm enough to take the long-johns off for a bit. Not too much hair growin' through them yet.

    The warm air was nice, but coupled with a strong wind, it took away the ice on our part of the lake. This ice, if it ever gets thick enough, will be my only route into town for quite a while. If no one minds, I'm going outside and doing whatever kind of dance it is I need to do to freeze the durn lake good and solid! If anyone knows a good dance for this situation let me know. I haven't been to town since December 9th!

    I have also been reminded that not only is the ice too dicy to be crossing, but my chances of actually being in warmer climes to fish with pyrates are seriously lessened by the fact that there are 55 pregnant females here depending on me (I didn't do it!) and no one else is going to do the things that need to be done when the blessed events take place. So, Harold, I'm sorry I can't sound depths for you (the whole concept was hard for me to fathom anyway)and I guess someone else will have to clean the keel.

    I'll just stay here, scrape the poop off my boots and pray for COLD!

    Does one get the Shack Nasties or does one become one? Either way, I think I have!

  6. #636



    Man with 55 pregnant females I would think you would be moving. You need a helicopter.

    Well the Cap might get the keel clean by one of the other pirates. Could even be me if I do not get some flies tied and get ready for the fish-in. With all the cold we are having I am having trouble getting the hands to work. Took one look at the temp and did not got to work today. 48 is just way to cold to work. I know I have it easy, I would be in the cold 10 seconds to the van, then 30 seconds to the customers business but then I would have to repeat it all over again on the way home. So instead I will tie a fly or two today and finish some other work at the office (attached to my nice warm home)

    You northern pirates with cold weather below 0 have my prayers. I could not do it. I am too much like the Dude, I get cold I start to shake. Now unlike the Dude if I start to shake there is a whole lot of shaking going on. I make 2 of the Dude.
    Heck it got so cold here Stev left. I am not sure where he went but he was mumbling about cold weather and shaking his head. So he might no be online for a few days.

    Brrrrrr it is finally up to 55 degrees. I am thinking of hot chocolate.


  7. #637
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Des Moines, IA


    I think it is suppose to warm back up into the 30's tomorrow. I'm sure glad I didn't put my shorts and sandles away.

    " If a man is truly blessed, he returns home from fishing to the best catch of his life." Christopher Armour

  8. #638
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    very cold here but i can't complain--seemed to have affected the passing arm of peyton manning! pats 20, colts 3...

  9. #639


    Got to get this off of the 333x2=... post

    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  10. #640
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    so, evil dave, did you get a tan, what with the weather being in the 30s???

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