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Thread: hey Fishigan

  1. #401


    Ya'll don't want to get me started again, do ya??? I want too, but I won't, I could get thrown overboard!!! aaarrrggghHHHHHH I don't like to swim in the deep salt... still tempting... OK I'm calm now...

    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  2. #402
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dunedin, Fl USA


    I'll teach her, it's a tough job, but I am up to it!

  3. #403


    Must be the plank, for me,,, Cause Im overboard, still oneday I'll come back to haunt you all, will be my pirate spirit that understands, I was left alone, the fate of the Piraite... aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh...

    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...

    [This message has been edited by Grubb (edited 17 December 2004).]
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  4. #404


    Bill I knew I could count on you. But really you can help teach her the advanced stuff. I think we should let our guess help her with the basics. Like how to hold the rod, and where to strip the line. I will be helping her get the right outfit for the fish-in. It will be her birthday weekend. And she is going to have some pictures for you guys to take back home.
    So if it all works out for us, at least one of my girls will be there if not more.


    If you are still going to try to be here later in the year, I will make sure one of the girls will send you a picture.


  5. #405
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dunedin, Fl USA


    ARRRRRGGGGGHHHH! You may be the worst pirate of the bunch JC! LOL

  6. #406



    You can be in charge of the Calendar shoot. You will be the man that tells LF where to stand and how to pose. Also you will get to boss Betty, Diane, and Sheties around.
    If you like you can make Flats Dude take off the clear wet suit. But I would caution you he is talking about wearing nothing underneath the suit. Might not be a pretty picture, I will be there with camera. And I do not have ugly guy insurance. I have seen his legs and they be ugly. I think he is very lucky his wife was looking at his face and not his legs when she said I do.

    As far as money, I will have to pass, you know how much it cost you to get well, so I am in the same boat. Well actually I had to sell the off shore boat to pay the doctors. Thank God I bought a good boat when I did. It was the first time I made money off a boat I sold.

    I loved the donut thing for LF. I will have to do that For Sue one of these days.
    Maybe when she gets to 39. Her mom is still holding at 39 and will not let Sue pass 29. <grin>


  7. #407



    Working with beautiful women has been my favorite joke for years. I just never feel like I am working. I think about all those people out there working in the hot sun building roads or working hard for a living and I am so glad I use my head and not my back. Did that as a kid, learned that I liked the easy life much better.
    So you can call it a business trip, and yes you can call it work, but I never get tired of fishing or shooting pictures of beautiful women. Now shooting the male pirates might just be a job for LF and the other women.


  8. #408
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    Harold, I'll teach that model to fly fish. If I can teach MIT students I can teach anyone!

    And I'll gladly pay the tuition for my wife to live at your house for 6 months, but I'm thinking I might be a tough case so maybe we better have her stay six years.

    Honey do? is that a kind of drink? Like mountain do? not too sure about a honey drink but if we cut it with enough tequila it should be all right. At the fish in i've agreed to be evil dave's designated drinker...

    and welcome back, Rev! Hope all of you pirates have the best holidays ever!

  9. #409


    D. Micus;

    Send her on, we are ready for the next class. Tell her to bring her swim suit. Her first choir is to clean the hot tub. Then Sue wants some gardening done. The house could us a coat of paint again.

    As for teaching Dawn to fly fish, I can just see you and her hanging from the bridge trying to cast two fly rods.
    That would fill a whole picture book.
    I guess you can teach her from Stev's flats. That way we can all encourage her to not hit you in the head with the 3 lb clouser I will tie. I think we should ask JC to bring his special rod, so he can at least teach some of the class. I think Dawn will love this. It is kind of my birthday present to her. All you pirates will need to be yourselves to make this a good weekend for her.


  10. #410


    D. Micus

    One more thing about this class, she will learn to fly fish. Does this create a problem or will that be ok.

    We find that by taking someone that does not fish and holding them under the water for a certain amount of time the next time they are asked to go fishing they really want to go.

    You see the question is really this. We are going fishing, you are going with us, do you want to fish or do you want to swallow salt water for 30 or so minutes?

    Works most of the time, we have had one or two escape during the middle of the night. But since the new security doors have been installed I do not have anyone getting out.
    Ask the Dude, he had a hard time getting away. hehehe


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