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Thread: Secret Pirate Meeting

  1. #1

    Default Secret Pirate Meeting

    Florida Pirates are called to the Tampa Bay on the weekend of November 12, 2005.
    This will be a secret meeting of the Florida Fish-in 2006 planning board. Please plan on being at this meeting. Bring necessary meeting tools. Topics of discussion are secret so I will not mention them. Come for as long as you like, I will be there on Saturday not sure about Sunday, but maybe.

    This will be an all day affair, maybe we can find a place around there to cook hotdogs and burgers. Hey Stev it is your fishing hole, do you know where we can cook some grub? For those who fished it last November, same fishing hole. For the new pirates that are coming let me know and I will send you a map. This is kind of a central point, and the planning (fishing) is usually good in November.

    NOW... Flats Dude will be in charge of making sure that only pirates attend. He will be checking ID's and making sure you are from Florida. Anyone sneaking from another state will be dealt with by The Dude..... He has been known to be bribed so if you are in the area, the risk of being keel hauled might be worth the trip. This is not I repeat not the Florida Fish-in. This is a planning meeting. It is our second annual planning meeting. For those lucky enough to have been here last year I do not need to explain. The rest of you read the Dude's article from last November.

    As this gets closer we might decide to meet for breakfast, Stev's choice of resturant.
    That will be decided by the usual way.

    Any questions contact one of us that was there last year. Again read the Dude's November article, or just contact me.

    So far we know that the following will be there.

    Stev aka Captain Yid
    Flats Dude

    Let me know so you can be added to the planning board list.


    [This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 29 August 2005).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Is this an indication that Kansas City isn't going to be on the list?

    Trouts don't live in ugly places
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  3. #3


    12 November should be alright.

    There are some picnic tables at the rest area (north) as well as the, hopefully un-necessary) coffee machine. I can't recall if there are any fire grates there or not but I've got a couple MSR stoves that boil water in about the same time it takes to jump start a b-52 engine. I've also got a two burner Coleman that works well for less urgent situations.

    I suspect that the fishing should be acceptable there in November if we don't get a serious storm through here before then.

    Looking forward to another gathering and I'll recommend a restaurant that is open on our schedule this time.

    aka Cap'n Yid.

    Stev Lenon, 91B20 '68-'69
    When the dawn came up like thunder

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dunedin, Fl USA


    SHH! I thought this was secret!
    I'll be there!

  5. #5



    KC is not on the list as a place to fish, but your name is on the list to be at the meeting. Flats knows better than to refuse you entrance. Heck we all know better.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    port charlotte,fl usa


    If there's the time ( since life is day to day & planning anything that far in advance is questionable ) & someone reminds me a week ahead of time with the directions & itinerary; I'll be there !

  7. #7



    I have put a reminder on my calendar to shoot you an e-mail 10 days before. WE will be meeting on the north side of the Skyway. There is a rest area on and we will meet there. We may meet for breakfast before but I'll keep you posted.

    Looks like we missed another big one, did you have any wind damage? All we had was a little wind, and very little rain.
    I am worried about those people in New Orleans. This is not looking good at all.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Deltona, Florida, USA


    HH, if at all possible, I'll be there. But hotdawgs??? And Stev does have a knack for finding breakfast spots! (HA)

  9. #9


    Secret??? Ha! It's really not much of a secret that none of us have caught as many fish as we have fish stories to tell.

    Yet I do like a good fish story. Count me in.

    Ed Mercado
    Web Design for the Treasure Coast.

  10. #10



    The menu has yet to be determined.

    Glad you and Ed will be there.

    Maybe we can see another drag race.


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