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Thread: Florida Fish-in Discussion (as HH wanted)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    port charlotte,fl usa


    Howdy Harold, how about a 6 pack of snook for brunch off the beach ? Also; November seems to be a good time for a bit of fishing, but Ms Daisy is a day to day thing so I never know how things are going to be. Lately she's getting better, but still won't swim in the pool. Still daydreaming I'm fly fishing, wishin' I was fishing' & fishing on the internet !

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Safety Harbor, Florida 34695 U.S.A.


    Let me know where and when and Judy and I will be there. Bill and his bride did a great job last year, we had a great time with great people.............

    Les & Judy Maynard

  3. #13


    Let us know what you will need and we will pitch in Bill. You and Jill where great hosts.

    Philip and Michele
    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Amongst the Mangroves of West Central, Florida


    Hey Ozmo,

    You said ... "Now when did you get access to a Hell's Bay?!? Have you been holding out on me! "

    HAHA!!! Not holding out on you. The Hell's Bay isn't mine, it belongs to a neighbor about 5 doors down who is a fishing fanatic. I'm just betting that I could get him to do our Fish-In ... especially if it were on the east coast as he's always talking about the 'Goon and surrounding areas.

    Holding out!??? ME ... never. HA!

    "Only the half-mad are wholly alive." ~~ Edward Abbey

  5. #15


    Thought it might be something like that Gil. Otherwise I'd have to wonder about yakkin' with your shoulder when there's a perfectly good HB sitting around!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Are you guys ever going to get around to setting a place and date?!?
    I will volunteer to host it...second week in February....here in Kansas City. OK..the commute to the water will be a bit longer, but we'd have a good time!

    Trouts don't live in ugly places
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  7. #17



    Sorry, we are all sitting around this rum barrel and I am the only sober. Flats, is passed out under the AC vent, mumbling something about yankee girls and snakes, purebs is mad about the redtide and his honeymoon island. Stev is over there cooking something I cannot pronounce but it smells good. Saltydancindave is tying more flies, some of the guys are playing cards,
    Two or three are over by the picture window looking at the beautiful sunset. (I do not have the heart to tell them it is a painting) But oh well.

    A couple of us are talking about a fish-off in November with the winner hosting the fish-in.

    You know it is bad when a bunch of pirates are sitting around trying to figure out ways to bring people from all over the world to fish in our little bay.

    If it were not so hot outside we would all be fishing, but to quote Saltydancindave sort of we are all here wishing we were fishing.

    We will get it all worked out but when is the question. Someone make the Dude some coffee, he is turning a little green.

    Heck we cannot even agree on which side of the state to host it. I guess we could host it in the middle and go to both coast. Naw price of gas is too high. I'll bet it will be in or around Tampa Bay again.

    Now if you have gotten anything out of this post then I really do need to start drinking. These guys are not having fun but they are not feeling anything either. I would take pictures but they made me promise not to.


    [This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 23 August 2005).]

  8. #18


    Harold, that smell you noticed is a Pad Thai. It's much easier to fix when the fish come out of the water pre-cooked.

    I keep hoping the red tide will vanish but when the tide is in I can still smell it.

    This has been a strange summer.

    aka Cap'n Yid.

    Stev Lenon, 91B20 '68-'69
    When the dawn came up like thunder

  9. #19



    Double up on the chicken, I am not fond of Tofu. But the rest is great.

    Glad most of the guys are too plastered to eat, just more for us.

    Start the cycle again on Thursday. Let you know when I am finished. I still hear the burgers calling our names. Maybe next week sometime.


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Vestfossen, Norway


    If you can arrange the fishin after March the 6th. I will bring friend and some norwegian "akevit". A norwegian liquor that has matured by being shipped across the equator. Anyway it is nice to read the discussion. I try to pick up some information for my next trip to Fl by reading this bb.

    [This message has been edited by bendik (edited 23 August 2005).]

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