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Thread: Bummer!!!!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Dear boss,
    I feel sick enough to go fishing so I can break my new rod & feel even sicker!! When does my short term disability kick in? Hunh? What do you MEAN it's been replaced by severance?
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  2. #12


    Just be glad that your rod acted like a shock absorber to keep your yak from rolling over. Yaks are pretty stable but that 9 ft of leverage makes a roll pretty easy. I had a close call earlier in the year with a bluefish that did the same thing and scared the crap out of me just as a wave came up.

    Who has time for stress when there are fish to catch.
    Your hooks sharp????

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    nick, things went wrong on so many levels--mainly my reaction time... the real bummer was it was three hours before low, and i had paddled quite a distance with the wind and the tide to a very good spot, thinking i'd fish there through the change of tides and at least have the tide with me paddling back. i broke the rod within the first hours, and without a backup i had to paddle back AGAINST the wind AND the tide. what a killer. from now on the cabelas stowaway 8 wt. stays in the kayak!

    8T--i'd rather break a rod the way you did than the way i did! i don't think the multi piece had any bearing on it--just poor streamcraft on my part. prior to the exs i had been fishing a 4 piece diamondback for about 6 years with no problem; before that it was a 4 piece orvis power matrix, again with no problem. i just put that rod in a position where something had to give, but i wish it had been the leader!

    tuber, tuber, tuber...what am i going to do with you?

    [This message has been edited by D. Micus (edited 26 July 2005).]

  4. #14


    Doesn't that suck paddling against the current and wind. It seems that it always happens that way. I usually plan my trip to have the wind help me on the way back so I fight it on the trip out and then the damn thing changes directon so it is a fight to get back.

    Good news at least you had the benefit of fighting a good fish first so it wasn't a complete loss. Nothing agrivates me more than driving out somewhere and paddling or walking out just to turn back without being able to make a single cast because of something broken or forgotten.

    Who has time for stress when there are fish to catch.
    Your hooks sharp????

  5. #15


    D. Micus

    Sorry to hear you broke the rod, glad to hear you are well enough to fish, being too sick to work is not a bad thing. Being too sick to fish is the worse.

    I read all the post above and not one offered you the loan of a rod till yours gets fixed.

    Stop by the house this afternoon and you can pick one of mine to go salty fishing with. Sorry no little 8wts here but a nice 9 could be had or my 12wt. I know you will never break another by letting a fish get the best of you.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    Thanks, Harold...Jed offered me a rod, also (via email), but when I took inventory I have 5 more saltwater rods (six if you count the two hander), sooooooo i'm all set. but i never will break another on a fish--you're right about that!

  7. #17


    D. Micus

    The only way I am afraid of breaking a rod this summer is if the wife breaks it cleaning house. Red tide has kept me from going all summer so far. I have been thinking of using the small stuff and going freshwater fishing.

    I know I know. But even the fish in the glass box look like snook now.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA



    Your kids have no toys, but you have many fishing rods.

    Your children walk to school without shoes and you have kayaks.

    Your kids have only bread and water for dinner but you have rum.

    Ahhh a pirate after me own heart.



  9. #19


    Sorry about the rod.....did you land the fish?


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    Larry, I did land him. Wish I could say it was the fish of a lifetime and that I'd gladly sacrafice a rod for such a fish, but instead it was a fat 25 incher that i brought to hand too fast...live and learn! the good news is it has made me use a 10 ft. 8 wt. that i bought last year but haven't used much, and it is a very nice rod!

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