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Thread: Equipment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ocean Springs, MS USA

    Default Equipment

    I have looked through the articles on this site, but I still have some questions. I want to wade fish the beach in Mississippi and try to catch some sea trout, flounder, mullet, and the occasional red. I have a 9' 6wt rod, but it is for freshwater. I will probably buy a saltwater rod, but I would like to make sure that I can catch some fish first. The average fish size would be about two pounds, with the biggest being about five. It is not very windy either. Would my rod work?

    Are there any good websites, or articles that I missed, that would help me on my quest? I have no idea what shock tippet is, and would like to read up on it.


  2. #2


    You'll probably get a few differing opinions, but here's mine for what it's worth.

    Your rod/reel will work, but you'll be a bit undergunned with a 6 in the surf. Plus, you'd need to be really careful about cleaning your equipment when you're done, most freshwater reels don't take saltwater very well.

    If you can swing it, pick up, rent or borrow an 8 wt. with an appropriately sized reel designed for saltwater. An 8 should handle the flies you'll want to throw and will take care of the vast majority of the fish you'll likely run into.

    As far as line/leader/etc., a weight forward floating line will cover most of your fishing situations. A "saltwater" line is a good choice, but my experience has been that the "tropics" lines are not too good for general applications. In the spring and fall, you'll find those lines stiff and unwieldy. For leaders, you can use straight mono with a bite tippet if you want. Any one of the tapered leaders in your local shop designed for heavier freshwater or saltwater use will be good too. A "bite tippet" is a heavy piece of mono tied onto the business end of a leader, and works to prevent break-offs from fish with teeth or rough mouths (ie., spanish mackerel and ladyfish respectively). I believe it serves essentially the same purpose as a shock tippet, which I associate with big game leaders where there is a leader, a class tippet, then a bite or shock tippet to which the fly is tied. Some leaders are sold with a bite tippet already attached. Scientific Anglers comes to mind, they make redfish, bonefish and other species-specific leaders.

    Flies should include things like Clouser minnows, Whistlers or Seaducers, really any sort of baitfish or shrimp pattern. Chartreuse and white is a tough color combo to beat in Clousers.

    One other piece of equipment you might consider trying is a stripping basket. It is a help in keeping your line under control in the waves and current, plus off the sand.

    Good luck and have fun.


  3. #3


    I live in Delaware and fish the coast with 6-10 wt rods.Your rod should do just fine for the fishing you describe.I also use a freshwater 6wt for some things,such as croaker,flounder,trout,ect.Just wash the equiptment good in fresh water after use.The reel is more important than the rod for saltwater.Get a good anodised one for the salt.As far as lines go,I use a standard wf-f for my fishing and a straight piece of 10 or 12 lb test mono about 4ft long.This will handle the Clousers and decievers that I throw.Also,get a stripping basket as was recommended.You can land some big fish on a 6wt if you know how to fight them and the limits of your gear.Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ocean Springs, MS USA


    What are some cheap ( between $100 and $200), but good brands of rod/reel combos?

  5. #5


    There is a Sage DS2 8 wt. and an Orvis Battenkill IV for sale over on the "For Sale" board. Might be worth looking at. Also a TFO Pro 9 wt. and Orvis Battenkill Large Arbor VI from the same seller.


  6. #6


    I'm not going to assume you read all of the Saltwater Archives, but I recommend you read this one, and the one after it: [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/saltwater/part1.html:61fc8]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/saltwater/part1.html[/url:61fc8]

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ocean Springs, MS USA


    Lady, how did you get to that page? The only saltwater article I found was the one you get when you click FEATURES and then saltwater. Also, where is the second one you mentioned?

    I read in that article that a $350 rod is ideal. I really don't have that much money to spend on a rod and reel. I hope I can find a cheaper combo so I can fish in the saltwater.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Your 6wt will (should?) serve you just fine for what you mention.....just fine.
    Clean it well after use in the salt.
    You seem young (which is GRAND.....you have much to look forward to! ) and not necessarily endowed with an over-abundant supply of MONEY. This I understand well......NO money!
    If I were to return to your situation, I would purchase an extra spool for the reel you have and start a set of shooting heads. These are the LEAST expensive way AND the most versitle way to cover the water column, from top to bottom.....IMHO. You can buy store built heads and you can bastardise heads to fit most any need you have. You can use floating running line or sinking running line.....your choice to fit the situation. Keep your full line for "spot shooting" bass and such.
    You are young.....learn to use shooting heads. It will open many doors and you will not be sorry.
    Inquire of Bill Nash at [url=http://www.hometown.aol.com/billsknots/index.htm:e325d]http://www.hometown.aol.com/billsknots/index.htm[/url:e325d]
    I'm sure he will gladly help you out.
    Or email me if you'd rather.
    .....lee s.

    [This message has been edited by lee s (edited 11 July 2005).]

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