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Thread: A few things I learned my first time

  1. #1

    Default A few things I learned my first time

    I just got back from my first salt water trip for stripers on Cape Cod. Along the way I learned some things that I thought I should pass on to others just getting started in this sport. Hopefully this will help them have as much fun as I did.
    1. Try to discover the predominate bait fish.
    My first night out. I was on the beach at sunset. I'm just learning on my new 10 weight rod. The first half dozen casts are great. I'm feeling confident. Then, a back cast wistles past my ear. I try to put a little punch into my forward cast to make up for it, and the leader wraps around the rod tip. I stand there a little dejected trying to figure out why my Clouser is wriggling. I've snagged a 4" sand eel. Now I know.
    2. When trying to cast perpendicular to the wind, have your casting arm on the down wind side of your body. If this is not possible, use a Clouser with fairly small eyes. They hurt less when they hit you in the back of the head.
    3. If your casting arm is getting tired, duck a little on your forward cast(see#2)
    4.The fighting butt is on your rod for a reason. After catching several 16" schoolies minutes apart my wrist was getting sore. It wasn't just the fish. I was fishing a tidal creek, and the tide was flowing out at a rapid rate. A 16" in a strong current feels like a whoper. I realized this, crammed the butt into my stomach just below the ribs, and landed the next fish much easier. Duh!
    5. When fishing after dark always have a penlight with you. Not so much for wading and casting, but for undoing those *&%#! tangles before a fish rips the guides off your rod.
    6.Above all have fun! A few tangles and knots are nothing compared to a beautifull sunset on an empty beach.
    Thanks to everone who helped me along the way. I look forward to my next trip

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    Glad you enjoyed it. Note that those bumps will get smaller over time. Trust me, I know. I made a quick foray out to Provincetown this weekend and stole a few hours Sunday morning myself. Me, along with people fishing eels, and casting spoons and jigs all came up with multiple 16" Stripers, but no significant size at all. I still had fun.

    Don't forget to rinse off your waders, rod and reel.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    well, aaron, now you got the sand in your shoes and the salt in your veins. you'll never be the same!

    [This message has been edited by D. Micus (edited 13 June 2005).]

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