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Thread: HMH vise tip

  1. #1

    Default HMH vise tip

    In a recent discussion on the BB about vises many people complained that they've owned HMH vises that would not hold an adjustment. I recently picked up an HMH standard bench from the for sale board and indeed I've had this same problem. Since the adjustment collet for the cam is at the back directly in front of the cam lever opening the lever to release a hook often causes the collet to move a bit. Over the course of a couple of flies the collet has moved to the point that it no longer holds the hook securely and must be readjusted. So, I fixed it. Here's how I did it.

    Last night I was tying a few flies and constantly readjusting the vise. About 11:30 last night my frustration was to the point that I was about to open up the window and chuck the thing outside. I love the design of the HMH and the slim barrell that affords such great hook access, but this adjustment problem was just getting to be too much. At the peak of my frustration I suddenly slapped my head and said, "duh!" Simply take the jaws out of your vise and pull on the cam lever. The lever and the rod it's attached to (the one that the vise jaws screw into) will start backing out of the barrell. There's a small o-ring attached to the rod that the jaws seat against. As soon as you have enough clearance to do so start backing the adjustment collet off. When the collet is completely detached pull the cam lever, rod, and collet out as one big piece. Make sure that the o-ring is still attached to the cam rod just below the threads. If it's not dig it out of the barrell with a bodkin and reattach it. Now, take some teflon tape and put one layer on the threads that the adjustment collet screws onto. You're basically done. Just reassemble everything the way it came apart and enjoy. The adjustment collet is now snug enough that it will move only when you want it to. I've tied about a dozen flies on mine now with no further problems.

    So, there you go. Such a simple solution I can believe I didn't think of it sooner. Especially considering that the teflon tape has been sitting there on my bench for weeks.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Amstelveen, The Netherlands



    You have devised a workaround, and that may indeed be ok for you.

    Me, I would rather spend time on a solution. My suggestion would be to go [url=http://www.hmhvises.com:0c599]http://www.hmhvises.com[/url:0c599] , then to Contact Us and pick up the phone. Ask for John Albright. Discuss your findings, and your frustrations, with him and my money is on him sorting you out before the call extends beyond five minutes.

    As they say... it is your call (pun intended)

    Hans W

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    Hans Weilenmann, The Netherlands
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