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Thread: How in the world do you do it?

  1. #1

    Default How in the world do you do it?

    Ok, How do you get those little bead heads on a size 18 or smaller hook? There must be some tool that does it for under 1,000 dollars or so. Cheesh. Am I getting old or does it require keen eyes and a set of steady thin fingers?

  2. #2


    I humbly ask my wife to put the tiny beads on my smaller hooks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    silicon valley, usa


    I went to a local hobby shop and in the modeling section, I found a pair of tweezers that are self-closing. You apply pressure to open them, and as you release pressure, they close.

    Works great for keeping a good grip on the hook's eye or the bead.

    You can also use some styles of hackle pliers as well though they tend to have a fairly gentle grip. The tweezers work better for me.

    If you have a rotary vise, you could gently close the jaws on the eye of the hook so it's held in a position that makes it easier to put the bead on.

    I tend to position the hook so that gravity helps if I lose my grip on the bead (instead of having gravity peel the bead right off for me).

  4. #4


    try this mid..put the bead in the palm of your hand......hold the hook by the eye and just "hook" the bead....just be sure the hook goes thru the correct side of the bead..hope this helps..Jason

  5. #5


    Some tools just lay around unused but this is one (Bead Nabber) I rely on now and then... Ed.

    They cost about $10.00 at [url=http://www.flytyingworld.com/angling/index.html:8c81e]Fly Tying World[/url:8c81e] Select Tools, Miscellaneous, then Bead Nabber.


  6. #6


    Wow! A bead nabber! I knew there had to be something I didn't have. THanks

  7. #7



    You can get those 'beadnabbers' (bead handling tweezers) at any good bead store.

    For a lot less than $10.

    They have LOTS of stuff at such stores that are of value to a fly tyer.

    Good Luck!

    Buddy Sanders
    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  8. #8


    My method has worked great for me for years and I tie a LOT of glass bead head flies in the size 20-30 size range.

    Get yourself one of the following:
    • *Mortile window caulk that comes in a roll.

      *Elmer's Poster Putty that is a putty used to stick posters on the wall.

      *Or any clay like material that stays pliable.

    Form it into a shape that works for you, I make a slightly tapered cone about 2" tall, like a dunce cap . You could also put a blob on the end of a small stick. I just push the putty into the beads and it will pick up a bunch. I then thread my hook through the bead of my choice while it's stuck to the putty.

    I will warn you that some beads may fall off, so do the threading part over a tray or something. I then leave my "putty blob" on the bench and thread more beads when necessary.

    Works for me...

  9. #9


    Buddy... I'd like to know where you found them, and for under $10.00? I searched before buying and wasn't able to find one like the locking tweezers (pictured). All I could find is those sticky things that fit on finger tips. I preferred using a bodkin to pick up individual beads and roll them in my fingers to line up the hole. Where did you find them in sewing or craft stores? Ed.

  10. #10


    I saw someone just "rake" the hook through his container of beads and it randomly "hooked" the bead.

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