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Thread: Tying Speed

  1. #1

    Default Tying Speed

    Okay, everyone take a guess. Oh, if you were there, please hold off answering.

    Fly tying speed contest at the show in Danbury this passed Sunday. Here's the scenario:

    1. About 10 participating tiers were seated at a long table.
    2. Tiers were each given a spool of the same thread, unlimited supply of size 12 wet fly hooks, and a hen neck.
    3. Tiers were shown a simple soft hackle fly(thread body and collar of 2 turns of hackle) and told they were to tie as many of those flies as they could in 1 hour.
    4. They tied for a monitored 60 minutes, after which the flies each tied were counted by neutral observers.

    Complete this sentence:

    'The winning tier tied __ flies.'

    I'll provide the actual answer tomorrow(Tuesday).


  2. #2



  3. #3



  4. #4


    a ridiculous number of

    [This message has been edited by mikeytwoshoes (edited 14 November 2005).]

  5. #5



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tauranga New Zealand



    I'm a much better Fly fisher when talking fishing, than when I'm Actually Fly fishing!
    Getting OLD is For Old People.

    Have Fun Stay Young Go Fly Fishing!

  7. #7


    Allan, RW here

    The winning tier tied 99 flies.

    Considering that there were ten tyers and even if they only tied one a minute that's 600 flies. Didja get a few of them wets for me?

    By the way, were you one of the contestants?


    "We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-

    [This message has been edited by Royal Wulff (edited 14 November 2005).]
    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  8. #8


    Are you guys serious? Fly looked like:

    but using the thread for the body and with a slightly heavier collar. Also, I was not asking for the combined total. Just how many flies the top(fastest) tier tied.

    Oh, yes, I was one of the contestants but was not the winner.


    [This message has been edited by tyeflies (edited 14 November 2005).]

    [This message has been edited by tyeflies (edited 14 November 2005).]

  9. #9


    Were you the winner?

  10. #10


    I would have to say 45. It would be hard to keep the same pace over an hour -

    Tight lines,

    Jeremy Barela [url=http://www.customflys.com:bb398]www.customflys.com[/url:bb398]

    [This message has been edited by barel fly (edited 14 November 2005).]

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