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Thread: The most important Two Things To Learn in Fly Tying ?

  1. #1

    Default The most important Two Things To Learn in Fly Tying ?

    OK there has been a lot of queations on how to do things and how many you tie and so on. Here is a question that might make a good discussion for this time of year.

    "What do you feel are the Two most important things to learn about tying flies?"

    I know there could be more but less just stick with the two for now and see what we can come up with. I will give my opinion at the end and we can discuss that to if you would like. There is more than enough knowledge on here about tying that I am sure people will learn a lot. Let er rip Ron

  2. #2


    Know what the porportions of your fly should be...
    Make every wrap of thread be there for a reason.

    There is a fine line between fly fishing and standing in a river waving a stick, and YOU SIR have crossed that line!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tauranga New Zealand


    1. Try to keep the parts in proportion.
    2. Don't crowd the eye.Makes threading the tippet material a real pain.Better to leave too much space than a clogged eye.

    I'm a much better Fly fisher when talking fishing, than when I'm Actually Fly fishing!
    Getting OLD is For Old People.

    Have Fun Stay Young Go Fly Fishing!

  4. #4


    1) Remember what the intended function of the fly really is.

    2) HAVE FUN, it's just a fly.

    Good Luck!


    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Amstelveen, The Netherlands



    For me:

    1. There may always be a better way to do a certain operation or achieve a desired result. Never stop looking and keep an open mind.

    2. Stripped down to its essence, flytying is a construction job. Master the building blocks and you will have the skill set to tie, and tie competently, any pattern you seek to tie.

    I know you only asked for 2, but I would like to second an earlier posting: The single most important aspect which distinguishes a competent tier from a mediocre one is the mastering of, and sticking to, proportions. Proportions make or break a fly.

    Hans W

    === You have a friend in Low Places ===
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    Hans Weilenmann, The Netherlands
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    1. use less dubbing than you think you need.

    2. Learn to whip finish well.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Colorado Springs CO USA


    I must agree with proportions, and will add symmetry. And as JAX stated dont crowd the eye.

  8. #8


    I will go with one--I teach lots of children and adults and they learn the pinch method of adding material.

    Of course starting the thread and tying off in the end with a whip finish -- everything else is just adding material.



  9. #9


    - there are no rules
    - as Bill noted - you're just adding materials (by spinning, palmering, dubbing, etc - but adding nonetheless)

  10. #10


    Thread conservation: use only as much as needed.

    Thread control: knowing how to apply materials so they don't twist turn or end up in the wrong spot while keeping a manageable amount of thread.

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