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Thread: Another new flyfisher joins our ranks today!

  1. #1
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Another new flyfisher joins our ranks today!

    While talking about fly fishing at work one of my co-workers took a real interest in the subject. He had seen a demonstration by a flyfisher at Bass Proshops grand opening in Harrisburg and thought it looked like fun. This fellow loves to hunt and fish but has never fly fished. He loves the great outdoors. He asked me if I would help him get started fly fishing and of course I said yes. We took a trip to Cabela's today as they had some really good deals going through the 20th of this month. He got a great deal on a Redington 6/7 weight 9' rod and Redington midarbor reel. He also got his backing, leaders, leader straightener, tippet and knot tying tool. I tossed in a Scientific Angler's WF6F line of mine for him. We then went out to Little Buffalo State Park to do some casting. I showed him how to set up his line, showed him how to hold the rod, the proper casting motion and gave him a demonstration cast. Turns out he is a natural. He was casting over 50' in no time and with ease! Wish you all could have seen the look on his face because he is so excited about fly fishing! I am going to help him get the rest of his gear, floatant, line dressing and such, and give him some of my flies. I now have a new fishing buddy and we are planning some outings together. I told my friend to read the articles on this site and use the BB. I must say that the fellow at the Cabela's fly shop was very great to deal with. It was a great day!

    Eric "nighthawk"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    oregon usa


    How could it have worked any better? Wow!

  3. #3


    Way to go nighthawk! That was a real nice thing you have done and continue to do.

    Tightlines to the both of you.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  4. #4


    Dont forget to tell him about FAOL and what a great resource it is for fly anglers of all skills.

  5. #5


    Hurrah for you - AND your friend. One of the neat things about teaching a friend is once he is somewhat up to speed you will both encourage and push each other and you both will learn more and enjoy doing it! It's called 'paying forward'
    Love it!

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    It's a fine thing you've done my friend! I don't think there is any better feeling than introducing someone to this wonderful, wholesome sport! I'm proud of ya, buddy!
    Give Amy a hug for me & I'll talk to you soon!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  7. #7


    Good Deal... A friend can be hard to find, and in the fly world that's even better...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  8. #8


    I know the feeling. I was able to locate chest waders and boots for my 13 yr old son and took him to our Crooked River last Sunday for Nymphing 101 and 1st cast took a 12" "Wild Native Desert Redband". He is now "hooked". I took a great digital and put it on my office screensaver!!

  9. #9
    nighthawk Guest


    I don't know if you know it or not but all of you had a big part in my being able to do this. It was you folks at this great site that really got me back into fly fishing. Because of the kindness, love and knowledge all of you have shared with me we have added another fly fisher to our ranks. Because of all of your posts and articles we were able to answer his questions and help his excitement boil over. Thank you all so very, very much! I'll let you know how the first big day on the water turns out. I just cannot say thank you enough to all of you. You are the best!!!!

    Eric "nighthawk"

    [This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 17 March 2005).]

  10. #10


    Dear nighthawk,

    Jeez, I haven't even had a chance to go fishing with you yet and you already found a substitute for me. WAAAAHHHH!!!!!

    Seriously, congratulations on giving a newbie a right and proper start. Let's make a plan to meet and fish the river for smallmouth once - or if - it gets fishable.

    Tim Murphy

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