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Thread: 1st Timer Builders problems

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Bowmanville Ont Canada


    When applying your thread epoxy make sure your rod is level

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wondervu, CO


    Resist the temptation and don't touch the rod wraps to see if the epoxy has cured!

    I left some ugly finger prints on my first few rods simply because I was too impatient and touched an otherwise flawless finish before it was set.

    I now squirt an extra glob of the rod finish onto a post-it note and set it near the rod turner, if I want to check the cure I touch the glob on the post-it instead of the rod.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New York


    Here's a few things that come to mind.

    1. If you're reaming out a cork grip to fit the blank, go slow and check it frequently. If you ream out too much, the grip will feel mushy.

    2. When assembling a reel seat, keep your head on straight. It's easy to do something stupid like forgetting to put on a reel band or something. Also try to visualize where all the epoxy will be flowing to when you put it all together. For example, you don't want the epoxy flowing into the pocket that accepts the reel foot.

    3. Many beginners are inclined to wind their wraps with too much tension. If you find that it is too hard to reposition a guide after one foot is wrapped, or if your tie-off loops are breaking when you pull them through, then lighten up on your tension.

    3. If you are using color preserver, wait at least 24 hours after the last coat of C.P. before you apply finish.

    4. My preference is to use several coats (usually 4) of a thin build epoxy on the wraps. I don't care for the one coat types and I especially don't like the "football" look. After the second or third coat, I will feel all of the guide wraps with my fingers. If there are any little nubs sticking up, you can easily slice them off with a sharp razor blade. Then the final coat will be smooth as glass.

    5. Keep a bottle of isopropyl alcohol around. No matter how careful you are, you are bound to get some epoxy on the blank or reel seat that you didn't plan on. The alcohol will remove it nicely if you do it right away.

  4. #14


    When I wrap I put one guide on at a time as I usually knock the others off anyway! Old age, fat fingers, who know's!!
    I have a 4 foot shop light over my bench and it will shine on the blank in a nice straight line. I use that to align the guides. Read that in here some where!

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