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Thread: Micro-Jig minnow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA

    Default Micro-Jig minnow

    This is a bit of a variation on a pattern that I've been using for going a bit deeper for big Bluegill. I tie them on size 10 1/124oz jig head hooks. Just a bit of rabbit fur for the tail, metallic embroidery floss for the body, 3D eyes to add realism, and a coating of UV epoxy to make them indestructible. I like to give the jig head a squeeze with flat needle-nose pliers to make a nice flat spot to mount the eyes. Then, tie in the tail, and then the metallic embroidery floss at the base of the tail. It comes in a variety of colors. I like the metallic floss as it adds a lot of sparkle to the pattern. Wrap the floss to the jig head, back, down to the tail, and back up to the jig head and tie it off. The embroidery floss consists of 6 loose strands, so it flattens out, allowing you to make a nicely tapered body. Once the floss is tied off, add the stick-on eyes and a coat of UV epoxy and hit it with the UV light to dry the epoxy. Super easy to tie, very effective for big Bluegill and virtually indestructible. While I have not used them on other species like trout, I suspect that they work also work great in that application. Just thought I'd share what's working for me in this cooler weather.

    BG jigs.JPG

  2. #2


    Yes! Microjigs catch the heck outta fish!
    Mine are just a bit different....more of a Springbrook Wunder color variant. I've only recently started tying up some that have eyes.

    I found a guy that makes microjigheads with eyes, and bought some from him. I also had then pinched the heads on my usual microjig heads like you described and added eyes.
    I like they way they look with eyes better. I'm not sure the fish care either way.

    Dale (iaflyfisher) taught me how to fish them below an indicator. It allows you to control depth AND speed of the microjig. Waves impart an up-and-down movement to the indicator...and therefore also the suspended microjig. Bluegills and crappies definitely love them. Big bass do, too, especially in the late Fall. I caught 5 bass that measured 20"-21" this Fall on them.

    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    David, Very nice fish! If you don't mind me asking, what size/wt jig head is that and what weight rod do you use to cast them? The ones I showed are tiny 1/124oz that I use for Bluegill and Crappie. I have some larger jig heads with 1/8th oz heads, but I generally use them with my UL spinning outfit. (There I said it. I admitted that I also use a spinning rod for some of my fishing)


  4. #4


    Most of the microjigs I'm using are 1/80th oz. I have some up to 1/48th oz ...and even a few up to 1/32nd oz for bass. The reason for the larger ones isn't for the extra weight, its for the larger hook. The larger hook grabs a big bass's jaw better....but then again, I was using the 1/80th oz ones when I caught all these big bass.

    I often just carry one rod when I fish, and I might fish for bluegills or crappies for awhile, then switch to bass....so I usually just use a 6wt rod so I can cast the bigger stuff if I need to. Sometimes I wish I used a heavier rod for casting some of the biggest flies, but a 6wt will handle the fight of the bass.
    Last edited by FishnDave; 12-12-2019 at 02:07 AM.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    Thanks for the follow-up. I usually carry my 3wt for Bluegill and manage to catch some nice bass on it from time to time. I'll use my five wt or seven weights for the larger/heavier flies. I started making my own jig heads with splitshot on jig hooks. This allows me to get the weights and hook sizes I want. I make them with or without blades. These are made with size 3/0 split shot on size six hooks. Splitshot Jig Fly.JPG

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Dublin, NH


    Thanks Jim, nice ties. I will do some during these Maine Wintahs!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA



    Thanks for the kind words. They are very easy to tie, cast well, and best of all really catch fish. Here's a close-up photo of one I use for big Bluegill and Crappie.

    Jim1-32oz jigs.JPG

  8. #8


    Those all look great, Jim! That's a good idea, the split shot on the hook of choice. Plus, the soft lead might let you shape the head a bit if needed to get microjig to balance correctly when suspended under an indicator. Can't really do that with a brass beadhead, unless you use a pin to extend more weight out in front of the hook.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Maine, Now I've retired to North Carolina (just south of Fayetteville)


    Hey Jim I was wondering if you have a name for those nice flies

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    Thanks for asking. I named the one with the yellow body and white tail Bob Actually, I just call them Micro-Jig Minnows. I love to play around at the vise, especially when I get one of those 4 am thoughts bouncing around in my head. Once the Bluegill went a bit deeper in the lake I live on, I started messing around trying to create something that would get down to them and still be okay to cast. I've also had good luck with these blade flies I made up. While the bodies on these are made from dubbing brushes, I think I will make some with the metallic Embroidery floss to see how they work as well. Blade Flies.JPG
    Last edited by James Smith; 12-12-2019 at 10:42 PM.

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