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Thread: Central Iowa 2019

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by lee s View Post
    GRAND thread Dave!
    We always enjoy your reports. Kewl BG's (or whatever they are )
    ....lee s.
    Thank you, that's very kind of you to say...makes my day!
    Yeah...so...I'll go back and edit those pictures with what kind of sunfish I believe they are. They are beautiful!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnScott View Post
    Good to see some real fishing reports posted. Don't find those carp any more appealing than in years past, but good for you and your success chasing them.

    Yep - 28" is a BIG surprise.
    Thanks John!
    Carp are pretty interesting in their omnivorous ways...I've seen them corral schools of shad against the shore and charge them like...well maybe not like tuna...but anyway they can certainly be baitfish predators at times. And I've seen them snatch nymphs out of the mid-water column; pluck bugs and seeds off the surface; root for worms and nymphs off the bottom; forage for crayfish from among the rocks; and feast on floating or sunken mulberries under overhanging trees when those fruits are in season. With such a wide variety of potential food sources, you'd think they'd be easier to catch! I don't think I've ever had any fish take as much line off my reel as a carp (well...maybe a 20+ lb Chinook Salmon).
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  3. #23


    18.5" bass today:
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Southwest Florida


    That's a good one!
    Isaiah 41:10

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Prescott AZ
    Blog Entries


    nice bass, thanks for posting. Nice to see someone catching fish.
    "Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
    Georgy Shragin
    Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun

  6. #26



    Took Wednesday off work to fish.
    My buddy Jay actually managed to get me out of town for some flyfishing.
    Turned out the fish we were targeting had lockjaw for some reason. We each caught a couple small bass.
    I foul-hooked a decent pike. My best fish was this lovely creature:

    Caught on a Hybrid Carp Fly variant:

    Saw this other lovely creature as I was about to step down on it. She was just out enjoying the warm day like me:

    The rest of the day, I visited 3 other ponds.
    Pond #1:
    Algae not bad, but the aquatic plants have completely chocked the edges and shallow areas of this pond. Water clarity is pretty good. Saw some big bass guarding nests, one "couple" doing the spawning dance while a bigger bass looked on. That was weird, but hey...."nature". The big nesting/spawning bass wouldn't hit my flies. I caught a couple smaller bass on the outside of the weedline. Saw some grass carp. One was patrolling while the other 5-6 were schooled up and resting. I put my bass topwater fly in the path of the patrolling grass carp. The first time it just swam under the fly. The second time it actually came up and nosed the fly, decided it didn't like it, and swam away. If I'd had a smaller topwater on, it might have sucked it in... bummer.

    Pond #2:
    Water clarity very good, algae not bad at all. Saw a school of about 10-12 large grass carp, they swam by. Figured I'd switch flies later and target them since the water was so clear (usually I can't see them. Its amazing how a little wind on the water makes them completely disappear)...but I never saw them again. Again I saw big bass on nests that wouldn't strike my flies. I caught a bass or two and some crappies on the bass topwater. Then I switched to a black woolly bugger and caught a bunch more smaller bass (nothing over 15") and bluegills and crappies.

    Pond #3: Water clarity not as good in this pond. Aquatic plants are growing up around the shallow edges of the pond, which extend out quite a ways. I stuck with the black woolly bugger, and caught quite a few bass (nothing over 15"), bluegills, and some crappies.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  7. #27


    Well...part of my mediocre fishing success lately must have been the weather. I've been fishing on days with the least wind (easier for flyfishing). But Friday evening after the rains, the wind picked up considerably. I went fishing anyway. The water was stirred up some (not as clear). Did very well. Tried for bass with 3" Gamechangers.
    Caught a number of small bass, and some nice ones too. The good ones measured (in ascending order) 16", 17", 17.5", 18", 18", 18.5", 19".

    I also foul-hooked a surprise Black Bullhead, 12". It must have been going for the Gamechanger, because a few casts later I caught a 12.5" one that actually devoured the fly!

    Last edited by FishnDave; 05-20-2019 at 03:04 PM.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  8. #28


    After getting skunked while flyfishing for carp during lunch, I couldn't stand my own stench ...so I went flyfishing after work. Hit 2 ponds.

    Pond #1:
    Caught at least 4 bass and a hybrid sunfish. A couple bass were small, and the other two were a pair of 18.5-inchers, caught on a Firetiger Gamechanger.

    Pond #2:
    Caught a few bluegills and some bass. Bass were a range of sizes, with the biggest two measuring 17" and 17.5". One of them was caught on a sexy shad Gamechanger, and the other was caught on a Howitzer popper.

    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  9. #29


    Flyfished Saturday, May 25. Visited 7 public ponds.
    Drove by the first pond, somebody was fishing it already. I headed to a different pond.

    Pond #1:
    This pond had been very clear, but was now VERY muddy after the rains. Tried for bass. Did not catch any.

    Pond #2:
    Same...it had been very clear and was now VERY muddy. Tried for bass. Did not catch any.

    Pond #3:
    Pretty good current flowing into this pond. Tried for anything...caught a crappie, a bass, and a green sunfish.

    Pond #4: Water high and stained, but not horrible. The negative from this pond was the aquatic vegetation has started getting thick around the entire shoreline, and some algae is starting to bloom as well. Had to clean it off the fly nearly every cast. Tried for bass. Caught at least one on a Gamechanger, switched to a bass popper and caught at least 3 more, and missed some good strikes. Shad were spawning.

    Pond #5:
    Tried for carp. Landed a 27-incher, but it was foul-hooked. Caught a couple bluegills. Tried for bass and caught one.

    Pond #6:
    First visit to this pond this year. Tried for bass. Caught one. Shad spawning in this pond, too.

    Pond #7:
    First visit to this pond this year. Tried for anything. Saw a bigmouth buffalo. Aquatic weeds and algae were both terrible. Didn't stay long, didn't catch anything.

    Went back to Pond #2:
    Fished a part of the pond I hadn't fished earlier in the day. Tried for bass. Caught at least 4, biggest was 16". Had two other big ones ones on...one bulldogged and I never saw it before the hook pulled free. The second one was probably 18"...I got a good look at it when it jumped and threw my Gamechanger back at me.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  10. #30


    My local fishing continues to focus on bass.
    Flyfished last night from 7pm to nearly dark.
    Pond was muddy.
    Caught 1 green sunfish and some bass. There were around 7 that measured 16"-18". Most were caught on a Gamechanger, several were caught on a Howitzer popper, including the biggest one.

    Picture quality declined as the light faded after the sun had set.

    Last edited by FishnDave; 05-30-2019 at 04:25 PM.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

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