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Thread: Fly Lines

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Like James, I like great fly lines, but I don't want to pay full retail. I shop and shop until I find what I want at the price that I want. There is no need to buy cheap low quality line. Last year's lines that are new cast just fine for me. I don't always have to have the line in the fanciest package either.

    I sent you a link in a PM. Hope that helps.

    I think you should find a line that matches your type of fishing. If you are casting larger streamers most of the time that requires one type of line. If you are casting midges and small dry flies most of the time, that is a different set of requirements. If you need to make longer casts there is one extreme and if short precise casts are what you mostly do on spring creeks that is another extreme. Think about how you fish and match the line to that. If you buy the good line in any vendors offerings, it's more about your technique than the line. The line doesn't cast itself like many vendors want to imply.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I googled Budget fly lines a few years ago. got some line at very low prices and have been using them for a few year now.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012
    West of the East and east of the West


    There have never in history been so many opportunities to do so many things that aren't worth doing. - William Gaddis

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mountain Home Ar


    doesn't the Sharkskin hurt when stripping? I found that a problem.

  5. #15


    I have been using it daily for about 5 years, no problems.

  6. #16


    I still like the Cortland peach the best. But when throwing bigger bugs and nymph rigs have had great luck with the SA Frequency lines. The Boost and Magnum tapers throw very nice. I do not care for any of the textured lines.

  7. #17


    My preference would be the mid to top of the line Scientific Angler lines, but unless I can catch them on clearance sale I pass them up because of the high price. In the last year or so I have started using Barrio lines from Scotland, particularly the Small Stream series. Mike Barrio does an excellent job of designing line tapers, has them built to his specs by one of the largest line manufacturers in the UK. Ships worldwide direct from Barrio Lines with no shipping charges. Small Stream line usually runs around $35, and I have been very happy with these lines. I have no financial interest in this company, just a very satisfied customer.


  8. #18


    How often do you change fly lines? I use three different rods/line weights (double taper). Haven't changed lines on two of them for 30 years. They cast and float!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Rever View Post
    How often do you change fly lines? I use three different rods/line weights (double taper). Haven't changed lines on two of them for 30 years. They cast and float!
    New lines will cast better and float higher. It's not a specific time range for me but it's more about how much I use that outfit. Bluntly have 14 rod and reel outfits. I DON'T change them all over X years. I do have a particular 7 weight that keeps me company on the water more often than not, and that outfit doesn't go three years without changing the line. It just gets cut up and abraded.

    I think a new line would make you think that your casting skill has had a dramatic increase since last season. Give it a try and put a smile on your face.

  10. #20


    Thank you for your observations and experience. Smiling is good and my casting "skills" could certainly improve!

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