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Thread: Anyone concerned about proposed Keystoneipeline?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Coldwater, Ontario Canada


    All good points given here.
    My 2 Canadian cents................IMO, our Mr Harper has made some big deal with China to sell them our Canadian oil no matter how he can ship it....BOOH!!!, while your Mr Obama is standing firm on environmental concerns......YEAH!!! Because of this, Harper is now having a standoff for his proposed pipeline idea thru the BC Rockies ( + rivers) because Obama says VETO to Keystone, so he is working to connect into some existing Canadian pipeline to send the oil to China via Nova Scotia instead.
    Looks like either way, China is going to get Canadian oil, thus helping us further mess up our pristine Canadian wilderness while adding to the ever increasing global warming issues. As we have all seen with almost anything we buy these days, China is going full speed ahead and so what about the environment!!......re; record smog air quality for those poor people living and working there for pennies a day!
    I feel in the meantime, we should build refineries in our OWN countries, refine our OWN oil into gasoline as needed, thus creating our OWN decent paying jobs that might improve our OWN county's economies, so we can further develop renewable energy sources while improving our OWN degraded infrastructures, thus eliminate our OWN dependencies on foreign oil (which Obama is in process of doing) and stop our OWN oil sources from moving all over this beautiful country of ours. We could then maybe bring back our OWN troops currently fighting whomever in the so-called middle east to protect our current oil dependency (because they don't want us there to begin with).
    Let China get the oil from the middle east! It will save them big $ on shipping costs and hopefully eliminate some of the ongoing terrorism problems there, because we would have no reason to be there.
    Too bad it's about oil and always has been about oil while global warming and the environment has always taken a back seat.
    I really wonder if any of our OWN Politicians have ever given any thought about our Grandchildren and what their lives will be like when the oil tap stops running, the global heat has gone to unfixable levels and the environment has been damaged beyond repair. Our future kids might never ever have any opportunity to go Fly Fishing!!
    David Parker
    Guild Certified Professional Rod Builder

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kapaa, hawaii
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    Great points David.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Draffenville, KY, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by David Parker View Post
    while your Mr Obama is standing firm on environmental concerns.
    Obama is standing purely on economic reasons. One of the biggest contributors to the Democratic Party stands to lose millions if not billions should the pipeline get built.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Parker View Post
    I feel in the meantime, we should build refineries in our OWN countries, refine our OWN oil into gasoline as needed, thus creating our OWN decent paying jobs that might improve our OWN county's economies, so we can further develop renewable energy sources while improving our OWN degraded infrastructures, thus eliminate our OWN dependencies on foreign oil (which Obama is in process of doing) and stop our OWN oil sources from moving all over this beautiful country of ours. We could then maybe bring back our OWN troops currently fighting whomever in the so-called middle east to protect our current oil dependency (because they don't want us there to begin with).
    Amen to all except the part about Obama eliminating our oil dependency. The market is doing that with no input from him or any other branch of government.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Parker View Post
    Too bad it's about oil and always has been about oil while global warming and the environment has always taken a back seat.
    It always has been and always will be about Money and Power. The commodity at this point just happens to be oil. Someday it will be something else.
    in far west Kentucky

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Coldwater, Ontario Canada


    Hey Clint;
    AH HA..................Isn't it amazing how the media people promote only what they want you to hear, for I'm assured that your knowledge about Obama is far more accurate than what we even hear of up here in Canada. Truly said that money and power drives everything and us normal everyday folks pay the price either way. With the oil market like it currently is, I see lots of happier people at the gas pumps and I'm sure you folks do too!
    I can't say that I have ever known or met anyone who actually said that they trust a politician, for when voting time comes around we have all been promised this and that, but when those so called promises don't materialize, do we ever hear the true reasons why?
    Oh ya, I forgot...................it's election year in Canada................Ha!
    David Parker
    Guild Certified Professional Rod Builder

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Oklahoma City, OK, USA



    Oil by rail has seen a 9 fold increase since 2009
    Last edited by okflyfisher; 02-25-2015 at 07:06 PM.

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