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Thread: CHANGE IS COMING - Editorial - Nov 17,2014

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NW Alabama


    I for one would like to see a PayPal option. It has been a while since I contributed but that would make it a lot easier.
    Thanks to the founders, administrator. Moderators , and contributors that have made this the BEST fly fishing site on the net.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Alright, ( however that's spelt) I will comment on my "spanking" by the admin. So "you" no longer need to "wait" in the shadows. Neil, If you didn't appreciate my comments as CONSTRUCTIVE, you will continue on FAOL's current path. Perhaps the "dogooders" who proposed this NAIEVE "solution" should have been thanked BUT "NO THANKS". "Lax" management ???. Just NOW ?? you "noticed" the address for "Friends.... " was OUTDATED????? . I do not worship at the church of FAOL as "some" do, but I would like to see it regain the stature it once had and in fact enticed me to "join". References to "God", "Family" and other warm cuddly stuff is , while personally not objectionable to me, a bit "corney" in the GRAND SCHEME and has no place here ( But I am NOT an investor so .........) . Through the years, my wife and I have enjoyed many FAOL gatherings. Had dinner with Deanna and JC a few times, She ( my wife Luba) even suffered a severe facial injury inflicted by Brad ( whatshisname) known herein as Kaboom 1 and chose NOT to legally pursue the matter. We could have collected at least $10 but opted to let the matter slide. We just ain't in it for the money.
    All that being said, please start a new Forum post explaining the meaning of a "SMILEY" appearing after a post so that some shorts don't get tangled in knots.
    I realize this may be cause for banishment but you may hear from Dudley and Spinner1 , ( Perhaps Betty),and the other 3 of my friends . So consider the consequenses :>) ( THAT WAS A SMILEY)

    PS: Keyboard was getting a bit warn so I had to shorten my tirade
    Last edited by Marco; 11-21-2014 at 11:43 PM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Livingston, Montana USA



    I have no animosity toward you nor do I intend to banish you from FAOL. Like you, "we just ain't in it for the money," and we hope that FAOL has been and will continue to be a place where fly fishers can share information that will enhance their enjoyment of the sport of fly fishing. That was the original purpose of FAOL and we will continue to pursue that purpose.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kapaa, hawaii
    Blog Entries


    Rather than type "smiley", you could just put a smiley icon there. Know how?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    To you "et al". I had this extensive dissertation prepared and then pushed the apparently wrong key and..........pooooffff. Suffice it to say, Im am a businessman, investor, bust my *** kinda dude and see VERY clearly into potential investments and what it would take to make "them" investible potential, Your suggestion was, NO DOUBT, from the heart but WE all should have run it by those who hold the purse strings of FAOL before "we" proposed solutions. I was NO "RIGHTER" than you at first. My objection was as obvios to me as your SOLUTION was to you.
    It's unfortunate that you misunderstood my/any reference to your "geographical location". Apparently you take that for granted but WE here on "regular earth" only dream to share your zip code. As to MY "stature" herein, I usually post REAL nailbiters such as "what does your license plate say about you ?" I can happily say , because I'm 71 and working on my 4th million ( the first three are a work in progress) I CAN be
    your neighbor ( hide your tools) but we are a nuclear family with bonds and live within 15 miles (all 3 siblings and 7 graddkids). I will be here to make sure the Gkids have normal haircuts and wear their pants at waisline.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    The "balance of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
    To you "et al". I had this extensive dissertation prepared and then pushed the apparently wrong key and..........pooooffff. Suffice it to say, Im am a businessman, investor, bust my *** kinda dude and see VERY clearly into potential investments and what it would take to make "them" investible potential, Your suggestion was, NO DOUBT, from the heart but WE all should have run it by those who hold the purse strings of FAOL before "we" proposed solutions. I was NO "RIGHTER" than you at first. My objection was as obvios to me as your SOLUTION was to you.
    It's unfortunate that you misunderstood my/any reference to your "geographical location". Apparently you take that for granted but WE here on "regular earth" only dream to share your zip code. As to MY "stature" herein, I usually post REAL nailbiters such as "what does your license plate say about you ?" I can happily say , because I'm 71 and working on my 4th million ( the first three are a work in progress), I CAN be
    your neighbor ( hide your tools) but we are a nuclear family with bonds and live within 15 miles (all 3 siblings and 7 graddkids). I will be here to make sure the Gkids have normal haircuts and wear their pants at waisline.
    i wasn't even CLOSE to finished and AGAIN the "key" thing.
    Byron, IN closing I see we are all interested in doing the right thing for FAOL. As I mentioned before, the "flowery, cuddly " ingratiation ( known in some circles as brown nosing), ain't my cuppa' but that does NOT take away from my enjoyment of this site.
    Stay well under aforementioned palm whatevers........


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    As an intended/unintended consequence, this post and responses , for whatever reason, got some folks to get off their collective wallets and UPLAGEN ( not sure it means anything but.)
    And also to show my "interest" in this , Saturday is College football ALL DAY for me, I have taken 30 minues of my time from same to putz around with this so..................

    PS: Illinois over PSU !!!! I'm waaayyy ahead by almost $ 6.00.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kapaa, hawaii
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    When I lived on the Mainland, I belonged to the local fly fishing clubs. The clubs were great, and had a nominal membership fee to help defray costs.

    I see FAOL as something akin to a fly fishing club. I'm sure there are a lot of costs we, as users, are unaware of; i.e., web hosting, hardware, etc. I get the impression that bulletin board type forum sites like this one are not big money-makers. So, I don't think they fit the "normal" business model.

    Anyway, just my personal opinion....which I recognize. It may be that other sites like this one may someday need to look to revenue sources other than advertising. It may be that, as a group, members of forums in this sport may not be big supporters of the companies that do advertise in such forums - thus diminishing revenues to the site owner(s).

    We shall see what the future determines.
    Last edited by Byron haugh; 11-23-2014 at 02:51 AM.

  9. #39



    If I ever pay for any web content / entertainment, it is because it is not available anywhere else. If "it" has anything to do with fly fishing, "it" is absolutely available somewhere else. A sane level of advertisement is just a fact of life for participatory websites these days.

    While I enjoy FAOL, these discussion fora are nearly all I look at. The style and content of the articles just have not grabbed me. It got a bit stale very fast for me reading over and over about travel-destination trout fishing, guide-worship, or warm water fishing in private ponds, again and again.

    After reading the site for several years, it is clear there is a certain "cool kids" community, and even very low-level ribbing and joking is not well received. There is a certain air of exclusivity, and if a "members only" or "club" environment is being considered, I wish you all the best of luck.
    To the simpleton, proof does not matter once emotion takes hold of an issue.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I understand what you are saying and agree 100%, but, I do not agree that "anything to do with fly fishing is absolutely available somewhere else". That is true when it comes to fly fishing equipment and fly fishing trips and I do not pay a lot of attention to those posts due to the fact that I cannot afford some of the equipment and my fly fishing trips will be to my local waters or no further than a 3 hour drive from home. I enjoy FAOL because it feels more like "family" and the sharing of information is done freely and you feel like some members want to help you in any way possible. The owners of this site have a sincere desire, from the start, to help promote fly fishing and get more people into the sport and that is and was the reason for starting it. Yes, there are some members that can make you feel it is a "members only or club" environment and those you can ignore because where ever you go there will be those and, thankfully, they are outnumbered here with more members who enjoy sharing and helping. I do "lurk" on other sites just to get info on local waters and have never joined their forums because you can tell right off that there are a "chosen" few that feel without them there would not be a forum and they take over the forum and try to make new readers feel that they are the people that new members need to "copy" because they are so great. I agree with, "the style and content of the articles just have not grabbed me" and I understand that. Some, not all, of the articles do not interest me and I can choose to not read them and only read the ones that I can relate to. This is an internet magazine and all magazines have articles that may not interest you but they fill a void and may provide some interest to some readers. I have been a long time subscriber to Fly Tyer magazine and only read the articles pertaining to flies I have an interest in and ignore the rest. One day those may become of interest to me, but, not at this time.

    My advise is to ignore any posts being made by those you do not care for because of their attitude, which I do, and only read the posts and articles that you share an interest in and hopefully you will share information to help the member who had a question. In every bushel of apples there will be some bruised apples and you just need to throw them out, ignore them. I would sincerely hope that you will share your experiences with newcomers and help them along the way with fly fishing subjects because that is why FAOL was started. FAOL is not a "bragging" forum for the "chosen" few. It is a forum created to help promote fly fishing and provide help to newcomers and that is why I have stayed as long as I have and will continue to stay and provide whatever help I can. I have reached the age where I can ignore the " I am greater than you" posts and do not get involved in them.

    If you read the post from the administrator that stated that they are not asking for money and were only explaining why there will be some changes to curtail some of the costs of maintaining this site, I think you will understand that they have a strong desire to promote fly fishing and not "line their pockets". Let's face it, no one is receiving any pay for all the IT help this site gets and it is all being provided free and from the heart from those who share the same goals of helping newcomers to this sport. Without all that time they are providing at no pay is because they want to be involved and help. For me, I have received a lot of info from FAOL that brought me from a "newcomer" to fly fishing to where I am today and I really appreciate all the help and sharing that a lot of members, not all, have provided through FAOL at no charge. That helpful info came from their hearts. I would not want FAOL to become a "members only" forum because that would take away the "sharing" of info and create a place for those who think they are better than anyone else. I feel Deanna and Neil enjoy reading about the progress newcomers have made through help they received from FAOL members and that is the only reason they created it and maintain it.

    It has reached a time and place that we become "givers" and not just "takers". If there was a space provided on the BB forum for those, like me and others, to "give" a little to help maintain this great site, it would be great. At no time during this thread was there any indication brought forward from the administrators to ask for a fee. Some of the members, like me, offered to help curtail some of the costs and that is where some have taken this thread the wrong direction. There are a lot of members that feel the way I do and that is that we have learned so much from FAOL that it has value to us and we no longer want to be "takers" and would like to have an opportunity to donate a little something to show our appreciation for what all FAOL has done for us and have the feeling that, in some small way, we are helping to keep FAOL up and running. FAOL has value to some of us.

    This thread was started to help explain how much time it was taking to maintain this site and that time is being offered at no pay. It was started to explain that there would be some changes made to help cut down on how much of this "free" time was needed because one can only give so much away until it becomes a burden and they get out completely and we, the members who appreciate all that we have received over the years, would lose a valuable Forum that means a lot to us. For those who only belong for the entertainment and to continue to "shake" the hornets nest to see the results, can go somewhere else and could care less about the value of FAOL. They can either change their attitude and join in or they can leave. If they choose to leave, we have lost nothing of value.

    The above are my sincere thoughts and nothing more. If I have "stepped" on some toes with my thoughts, I do not apologize because they are sincere thoughts and feelings.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

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