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Thread: 1 WT Rods

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    I'm having an absolute hoot with my 5ft 2weight on the little streams! Built it off a Batson rod blank, and it does handle really big fish easily!! Not sure, without checking the receipt, but I believe it was in the $30-50 range complete!

    Trouts don't live in ugly places
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Camas, WA, USA


    The Dan Craft 1 wt is an awesome rod if you don't mind rolling your own or Dan will build one for you. I have the Sig III 6 ft 10 in. The replacement for that blank line is the FTL blanks.

  3. #13


    Global doRbeR, a sponsor here, has an entire line of rods especially built for small stream fishing, called, of all things, Lil Streamers. Excellent rods at excellent prices. No affiliation, except I know service and quality when I see it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Missoula, MT USA


    Ron nailed it. The one weight might be more fun but it ain't the reason you're getting outfished. Ouch.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Millersburg, MI, USA


    A few years ago I put togeher a 6'6" rod freom H & H, A Pac Bay rod that at first seemed too wussy to fish . The following spring I tried again and decided to fish it with a Cortland peach 2 wt DT line. Wondrful!
    I've been fishing it ever since with great results. In little cricks, give it a shot. You could very well like it a lot!

    Name indicates where I fish and for what I fish.
    Name notes where I fish and for what I fish.

  6. Default

    A bit different take on a light rod is to consider it for fishing small creeks for small fish but for gentle presentation on spring creek waters to trout that are oftentimes pretty hefty.
    A point that has to be considered is wind. A one-weight is not going to be very friendly in even a slight wind and unwrapping a one-weigh line from a snarl of rose hips or other pesky streamside vegetation is not a lot of fun.
    Something that can be considered is a softer action presentation rod, say in a 3 or 4-weight. I have TFO Finesse rods in 5 and 4-weight, both 7'9", for the smaller streams and spring creeks that I fish throughout the summer. The soft tips of these rods allow for a gentle turnover of even a long, light leader but there is enough "umph" in the butt to provide some negotiating strength if you should happen to hook a big, rowdy trout. The tip though is forgiving enough to get some play out ove even a pesky little tiddler.
    Orvis also makes a fine rod called the Superfine, which is available in one through5-weight. Other companies also offer rods made for gentle presentation that often get overlooked. Just a thought to ponder.
    Good Fishing,
    Les Johnson

  7. #17


    I like the idea of building my own 1wt. I recently I met 2 guys at a TU meeting that have been building rods for years. Both said they would give me a hand.

    I also like Les Johnsons idea of the TFO finesse rods. I am buying the 3wt for my wife. I'm sure a softer rod then my XP will help with the short tight cast.

    I am borrowing my friends SLT 1wt and it is hard for me to cast more then 30ft. My friend is a good caster and was showing me how to add a small double haul into the stroke. He could really shoot the line out. I need some work.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Litchfield, CT, USA


    I have two Sage 1wt rods (SPL and TXL), they are not a problem to cast in windy conditions. A little haul and longer arm path and the wind will be easily tamed.

    Both rods will also cast the 0wt lines if you really want delicate delivery with small flies.

    The butt section on the Sage rods is strong and will handle a larger fish,,,the full flex designs are weak and cannot generate much pressure.


    [This message has been edited by FK (edited 12 June 2006).]

  9. #19


    I don't think those little rods actions determine wheather it is a good rod in the wind. It is the lightness of the line. What I call wind will toss those light lines around, wrap um around your head and make them uncontrolable regardless of how good of a wind caster you are no matter what rod you use. Now what you call wind may be a different deal alltogether.

    "The only thing worse than getting old is not getting old"

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