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Thread: new to rod building

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Bell Buckle Tennessee

    Default new to rod building

    I am a "newbee" to building your own fly rod. I am a disabled Vet and I am in the "Healing Water" program at the VA hospital in Murfreesboro Tennessee, which teaches us basics on how to tie fly's, how to cast a rod and they takes us on local fishing trips a few times a year. This Is my second year with them, I started February of last year. This year they are tell us old students, some one who has been In the program one year or more, that they will be building their own fly rod. We can only tell them the wt of the rod we would like to build. They will be getting all the parts we will need to make a fly rod and I have chosen to build a 3wt rod. For someone who has just learned which end of a fly rod you hold to fish with, THANK YOU WARREN, I am very nerves about the whole process. I have read a lot of info here at FAOL about building a rod, but a lot of the terms that are used when your describing your build have me lost, but I am learning. They, Healing Waters, will have us work on the rod twice a month for two hours per meeting day until we are finished. We are to start on the first meeting in March, but the finishing date I am not sure when that will be. How long does it take to build a fly rod? I would like to use this thread for people like me, to ask questions as I am building my rod, to help me along. I know that someone at the Healing Waters class will be helping us but I also know that all my questions may not get answered. So I am asking for help, if you will allow it, when I begin the class next month and have questions, if I can ask them on this thread?
    Last edited by newbee; 02-22-2014 at 01:55 PM.

  2. #2


    Absolutely! Ask away.

    I've been building rods for just a little over a year.
    I started here by posting that I'd like to take a try at rod building. With the generous help here, I was off an running.
    There's no looking back now. I'm hooked, so to speak.

    You'll find a lot of help here. Everything seems pretty overwhelming at first, but it's really not very difficult.
    It doesn't take too long to build fly rod. But there is some waiting time between steps....waiting for glues or finish epoxy to dry.
    Once you learn how to do the thread wraps on a rod, take some time and practice. Practice on a length of dowel or an arrow shaft.

    Lot's of help here on this board.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Elk, WA USA 99009



    First off, thank you for your service. Here at the Ranch two of us older Vets live. Both have seen a lot of action. Char did 3 tours in the sand box. Myself, many years in 5th Special Forces Group on an " A " Team. We are both rod builders. I not only assembling rods, but also make my own Bamboo from scratch, including my own NS ferrules. I am sure you will not only enjoy making your own rod but be careful as it can become very addictive.
    As you progress, anytime you become frustrted or have a question or just want to talk about anything, phone me, day or night.
    509-999-7472 any time, day or night. Keep busy.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Ask away!! That's why we're here! As for how long it will take to build a fly rod ... you build till it's done! Sometimes you have to just walk away from the project for a "few minutes" to collect your thoughts. Sometimes you can sit and really get bunches done in short order. It's all good. The main thing is to remember to have fun. Ask. Then ask again, and again till you feel comfortable with the answer!
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Bell Buckle Tennessee


    I like the statement......ask then ask again until you feel comfortable with the answer.....from Ms. Betty. I surly can do that. I also liked what bgreer said about practice on a dowel rod and get comfortable with wrapping a rod. Thank you Denny for you time in service and I will keep your number no more than an arms reach away. Thank you all for being there for me. I know I will not be alone thru this adventure.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Dublin, NH


    My heavens Wayne, first fly tying, now rod building! What's next! Reels! There are some good plans for dryer motor setups on line, as in the Fly Rod Building Archives, some good ones on ebay, a person taking our fly tying classes is a custom rod builder and heavens the information you will get here is AWESOME!
    Man, you're not sliding down the slippery slope you're luging!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Bell Buckle Tennessee



    I know what you mean, rush, rush, rush. I believe that this will be the only fly rod building class that Healing Waters group will have for us. It's part of their program. It is not the last fly tying lesson we will do. We were told that any time that we can't go fishing, because of weather or what ever, that we would be tying some kind of fly. When you only have one shot at the rod build part you want to make sure you have it right and make a good rod to fish with. They are going to have all of the equipment we will need to build this rod. The only thing we need to bring is ourselves. All I need right now is maybe some information on building this rod so I will understand everything or something's better. I may want to do it again in the future, but for now I am to old to be multi learning. LOL. If I understand the program, the rod building part is the last thing I will be doing. After the rod building class I believe we will be ether tying fly's or going fishing. I love to do both so it will be OK with me.
    Last edited by newbee; 02-22-2014 at 09:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Dublin, NH


    Best to you Wayne! You deserve all you get and more. Enjoy, post some pics if you can of the rod.
    Thanks for all you've done and will do.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Bell Buckle Tennessee



    Thank you for your kind words. I am planning on taking pictures of each day that I work on the rod and post them so everyone will see what is going on and help me with suggestions or corrections that I need to make as I build the rod.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Southwest Florida


    How long does it take to build a fly rod?
    With drying time, it usually takes me about 4 days to complete one.

    Don't be too nervous about the process. It seems overwhelming at first, but it's very simple. You're going to love it! Nothing beats catching a fish on a rod you built with a fly you tied!!!

    Lastly, thank you for your service! You guys are heroes in my eyes!

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