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Thread: Tenkara Club

  1. #1

    Default Tenkara Club

    A few of us who fish Tenkara in South East Idaho are looking at forming a clug or group. This doesn't have to be something for just those in South East Idaho but for those around the area who would like to join themselves in to the community. With the technology today and Google+ we can meet as groups and discuss things without being in the same place. We would like to get together atleast once a year for a get together fishing event. We can strengthen and grow the Tenkara Community by coming together. I know that many are already close, by meeting at the summits and through other forms. However a group or club makes it easier for newcomers to feel comfortable and become a stronger part of the community. I believe this to be a big reason for the strenght of the traditional Fly Fishing Community, of which we are a part of. This is still in its infancy as I'm gauging interest, and getting details on how we will work it. I would like to be able to meet as a group in some facet and discuss technique, flies and patterns, tying techniques, materials, and different conservation projects, as well as gathering together fo fish.


  2. #2


    Count me in Brandon. I have been wanting to get over and fish that side of the state for some time and hope to squeeze in a trip or two that way this summer. I do google hangouts on a regular basis to have gear chats...Tenkara usually comes up but it would be good to do it with a focus on the group.


  3. #3


    Paul I was hoping you would chime in. I'm hoping to get some more intrest. Everyone I talk to about Tenkara likes the idea a lot. To help assist in their growthand continued interest I really believe this to ne a great way to help the growth.


  4. #4


    I am sure more will join if you get something put together. I usually fish solo but when I have fished with other folks I have really enjoyed it. Alone I tend to get in a zone and tone out everything else in the world but the fish. With others I have had a good time chatting and BSing our way up the stream. I enjoy both for different reasons.

  5. #5


    Okay so it's officially beginning. Anyone interested in joining the Rocky Mountain Tenkara Anglers let me know so we can add you in. We really want to strengthen the community and give those interested or just starting a place to go for help and advice on local levels.


  6. #6
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    You have an existing fly club just down the road in Pocatello, the South East Idaho Fly Fishers. If you don't already belong to them you could check them out and see if they would be interested in having a sub-group that does Tenkara style fishing.


    Larry ---sagefisher---

  7. #7


    Larry I have them and the one Idaho Falls. We could sub group ourselves with an existing club, but I don't feel we should be sub-categorized. Tenkara fishermen and women. I have gotten a bunch of interest from people who are excited to have a club specific to Tenkara where they can find others who share their passion.


  8. #8
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    Good luck then. Most fly fishing clubs have sub-groups. Like Spey casters or single handed casters, or trout fishers or Steelheaders, bassers, you name it. We fly fishers have very diversified styles and target fish but we all get along with each other and sitting around a table shooting the breeze and telling stories is something that everyone likes to do.

    By the way, if you are in the area of West Yellowstone this late September for the FFF Fly Fishing Fair, an excellent Tenkara instructor/artist/author/fly tyer/ and over all fantastic person is going to be giving a class on Tenkara 'Fishing In Small Streams', that person being Misako Ishimura.

    Also, Craig Mathews will be giving a class on 'Fall Tenkara on the Firehole'.

    A couple good on the water classes.

    Larry ---sagefisher---
    Last edited by sagefisher; 07-22-2013 at 04:27 AM. Reason: Adding more data

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