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Thread: Smith River Montana

  1. #1

    Default Smith River Montana

    Has anyone floated the Smith River in MT in June before? FWP closed the river a couple of years ago over Memorial Day due to high water when I was set for a float trip. Then, I picked up a permit for early August thinking the high water would ensure there was a sufficient flow. I was wrong. Over the last couple of years I figured I'd never get on that river.

    Finally this year, one of my fly fishing partners got a float permit to put in on May 15th. Perfect timing. Pre-runoff (depending on what happens weather-wise between now and then). I'm already committed to this trip.

    Today, another friend from Bozeman calls and tells me he picked up a permit to put in on June 17th and invites me along. I don't think I can really justify the time off from work and drive from Denver to White Sulphur Springs and back twice in a season. Still, I'm curious if anyone has fished the Smith River in mid-June and can give me an insight into their experience at that time. What bugs were coming off, how was it? Any terrestrials at that time?

    So far it looks as though the snowpack, according to what I saw on another thread, is 102% this year. I'd actually thought it was a slightly below average snowpack this year but . . .


  2. #2


    Montana snowpack: ftp://ftp.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/data/snow/update/west.txt

    The Smith and other central to northern MT rivers are doing better than those further South.

    You MIGHT hit the Salmonflies and Golden Stones in mid-June. You might also still hit snowmelt depending on when it starts. Streamers and big ugly nymphs should work no matter what. Maybe some caddis if runoff starts really early.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    North Carolina


    Can't help you with your questions flyfysher but I surely envy you!!
    When you can arrange your affairs to go fishing, forget all the signs, homilies, advice and folklore. JUST GO.

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